@TheDarkLord I know this isn't my forte, but you are aware that this is a custom mine-imator model and only the creator of this model has it right?
LF unity files for this model -
LF: Tally by stawbunny (WITHOUT GONSO)It is what it is.
Gonzo removal??@baphteer Sure! Just be sure to not redeem it before sending anything my way because it will be locked to your pc and I won't be able to do anything if you do so!
Gonzo removal??Just been lurking the forums
Gonzo removal??@taikeru I'm still around!
LF: Frisbee by Confusey@BrownieBatter48 Sorry for the delay, been busy with life and whatnot. The reason I didn't send the other fbx immediately was because it looked nothing like it's supposed to in blender. I'm going to try again later when I get the chance!
bypassing GonsoLicense using ShadowcopyW work
LF: Uniii by ❥Naiii (GONSO SYSTEM)If only it were that simple. @Fishinaduk
LF: Tally by stawbunny (WITHOUT GONSO)- The avatar product id. (For gumroad, this can easily be found by running a simple curl command, after which it will tell you the correct product id. For payhip, it'll tell you on the download page after you buy the avatar.)
- The license key. (You get this after purchase.)
- VRChat Username. (The username input is provided during purchase, so use what you input in there. Case & character sensitive! (note: vrchat usernames are stored lowercase!))
- VRChat Display Name. (Case & character sensitive!)
- Avatar name. (The avatar's name.)
- Platform. (Depends on where you bought the avatar, can be either gumroad or payhip.)
LF: Frisbee by Confusey@BrownieBatter48 Sorry about that! Can do!
LF: Frisbee by Confusey@BrownieBatter48 It has been done!
Frisbee FBX: https://workupload.com/file/YQcPLwb5QZA
LF: Frisbee by Confusey@BrownieBatter48 With what I did a few months back, no. However, I'll work on getting an fbx for you guys when I can
LF: Tally by stawbunny (WITHOUT GONSO)@kawaiiuwu I haven't forgotten, it's just no one is willing to hand out the required information to make it possible. Otherwise, someone else or I would've done it already. I'm still willing to, don't get me wrong, since they did take $40 from a friend of mine.
LF: Tally by stawbunny (WITHOUT GONSO)Indeed. Had one of my friends blacklisted for trying to help me on this one.
LF: Uniii by ❥Naiii (GONSO SYSTEM)I recently received some dms saying that the avatar works in unity but not in vrc, so after some digging I believe I found the issue and subsequently fixed it!
Here's the new link: https://workupload.com/file/BkFdZg8zacc
EDIT: VT link if needed: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/1b96969dba1eb2d603f424b6d228bb3de4592b6d182fc05c36ae128d87530c60?nocache=1If you encounter any issues, please let me know!
LF: [VRC/SDK3] Sirai UpdatedI was requested by @horsedraught to allow for the customizer to be used because I did the same thing with Lyria not too long ago, so I did just that!
How to use:
- It already enables the customizer gui, so customize to your liking (or use the either of the 3 default presets) and hit "Add to scene"!
Link: https://workupload.com/file/3tc9S8gRV64
Quick Note: I would have ran it through VirusTotal for you guys who are skeptical since it does use a dll (Dor's customizer), but the max file size is 650mb
LF: Webkiller by Strawbunny@CatnapXDogDay https://forum.ripper.store/post/416279 (It's literally 2 messages above you)
LF: Tally by stawbunny (WITHOUT GONSO)@Waterman The tool code is not compatible with this version of gonso, I checked the code first.
LF: Tally by stawbunny (WITHOUT GONSO)@taikeru I was at the homestretch too, I rewrote my entire codebase to accommodate for the new Gonso version and had it working, I was finishing it up and it got revoked. It is what it is. I wouldn't be surprised if they're going to start revoking anyone that buys the avatar for the next few days or weeks.
LF: Tally by stawbunny (WITHOUT GONSO)Had a friend buy the avatar since they had money to spare, looks like strawbunny saw this thread and revoked the license and ran off with the money, unfortunate. -$40