LF: Tally by stawbunny (WITHOUT GONSO)
Give me at least 30 mins to an hour (I'm working on other things at the same time)
@totallyoriginal1 please let me know if the gonso gets removed..? ^^
If anyone could try and figure out how to remove the gonso that would be awesome !!@sc3n3qu33n file gone?
it has gonso so lmk if you guys can get a package without it that I can just upload
@MangosPog any new links for this?
Had a friend buy the avatar since they had money to spare, looks like strawbunny saw this thread and revoked the license and ran off with the money, unfortunate. -$40
@totallyoriginal1 about to turn this into a strawbunny hate thread i swear
Had a friend buy the avatar since they had money to spare, looks like strawbunny saw this thread and revoked the license and ran off with the money, unfortunate. -$40
@totallyoriginal1 I understand why but god thats annoying
it's maybe not a good idea to announce when we plan on purchasing and/or decrypting avatars of creators that keep a hysterical eye on these forums
really though that's unfortunate - i was looking a little forward to seeing this finally be resolved
@taikeru I was at the homestretch too, I rewrote my entire codebase to accommodate for the new Gonso version and had it working, I was finishing it up and it got revoked. It is what it is. I wouldn't be surprised if they're going to start revoking anyone that buys the avatar for the next few days or weeks.
@totallyoriginal1 about to turn this into a strawbunny hate thread i swear
@kitten nah bruh fr
@taikeru I was at the homestretch too, I rewrote my entire codebase to accommodate for the new Gonso version and had it working, I was finishing it up and it got revoked. It is what it is. I wouldn't be surprised if they're going to start revoking anyone that buys the avatar for the next few days or weeks.
@totallyoriginal1 it's unfortunate, truly; especially as i know some methods still require you to decrypt the DLL included and write scripts to reverse engineer the systems - time consuming and financial investment
i've had some shiny new methods (more like i've been enlightened by @halcyon ) that don't require decompilation of the DLL or much else, considering the backend API is hardening significantly and userscripts are becoming more easily flagged
if my financial situation wasn't so terrible, i'd have probably gotten around to some of the avatars that have been floating around, though i did agree not to publicly post them - i feel like some creators still don't really deserve this platform they keep abusing
This file has been shared with you on pixeldrain
pixeldrain (pixeldrain.com)
de-gonso tool
comes with a usage instruction manual- 3 scripts
(drag and drop into unity)
I will preface that this will work on most gonso avatars BEFORE trout by confusey or Ame by zoxlOnce dragged into unity after you import the avatar package, a korean tab will pop up. This will ask for 4 requirements
all of this needs to be exact and correct, otherwise gonso team will flag this as suspicious and probably disable the liscense key that you are trying to use.- username (what you put into the vrchat SDK descriptor panel when uploading)
- display name (ingame name, how everyone sees you)
- creator name ( has to be EXACT)
- Liscense key.
Since this creates an encryption key to fix the resources of the original avatar.
There are manual things you will have to apply (gamemeshes to the right gameobject, applying the correct menu and expressions). Remember this is a small price for a fixed non-gonso avatar.After everything is fixed you can delete the gonso.DLL in the gonsoliscenser folder to remove the gonso tab at the top of unity and will stop gonso from asking you for a liscense key on upload. in unity > assets > gonsoliscenser > gonso.DLL
this will cause the avatar descriptor to disappear which is okay, all you have to do is reimport the original avatar package and it will fix the missing popup.
(this was the exact message i received and there are more details inside the text file in the link!)
@akittycxt can we get a reupload of the tool? im gonna try and use it
@akittycxt can we get a reupload of the tool? im gonna try and use it
@Waterman The tool code is not compatible with this version of gonso, I checked the code first.
@akittycxt can we get a reupload of the tool? im gonna try and use it
@sakurish Ik a few people that know some moderators on vrm so I would assume it would most likely get posted. But just be prepared to make a backup link since it might get taken down in a heartbeat.
@sakurish What is this Webbsite?