By using the following, when a key is pressed, the window will be activated, and you won't need to click on other windows
; Initialize variables
clicking := false
clickInterval := 20 ; Click interval (in milliseconds)
windowActivated := false ; Flag to activate the window only once
; High-speed click settings
SetBatchLines, -1 ; Run the script at maximum speed
SetMouseDelay, 1 ; Set the delay time between mouse events (in milliseconds)
; Start actions when the L key is pressed
clicking := true
; Activate the window only once on the first loop iteration
if (!windowActivated)
ActivateWindowAndMoveCursor("VRChat") ; Activate the window and move the cursor
windowActivated := true ; Set the flag to call this function only once during the first loop
if (!clicking)
; Simulate rapid left-clicking
Click, Down ; Simulate pressing down the left mouse button
Sleep, clickInterval ; Adjust click speed (interval)
Click, Up ; Simulate releasing the left mouse button
; Stop clicking when the L key is released
L up::
clicking := false
windowActivated := false ; Reset the window activation flag
; Method to activate the VRChat window and move the cursor to its center
; Check if the window exists and activate it
IfWinExist, %windowTitle% ; Check for the specified window title
; Activate the window
WinActivate, %windowTitle%
; Get the window's position and size
WinGetPos, x, y, width, height, %windowTitle%
; Calculate the center of the window (using integer division)
centerX := x + (width // 2)
centerY := y + (height // 2)
; Move the cursor to the center of the window
MouseMove, centerX, centerY
MsgBox, %windowTitle% not found. Please check if the window is running.