LF: Frisbee by Confusey
I uploaded it and for some reason when i change into after a couple seconds i cant move or anything
@perrito Have an issue as well- I uploaded it and my avi froze up after a few seconds of having it on (like no movement what so ever) :< dunno what I did wrong
@CosmicTrails same idk how to fix it
I uploaded it and for some reason when i change into after a couple seconds i cant move or anything
@Sl33py-Twisted i used unity 2022, VRC fury, and poi , mine worked just fine, im not sure?
I uploaded it and for some reason when i change into after a couple seconds i cant move or anything
@Sl33py-Twisted Make sure to add gogo loco, i had the same problem but after i added it she was moving perfectly fine :3
PC Ver (No Gonso Auth): https://workupload.com/file/ujwKEj7VssV
Working on Quest next!
@totallyoriginal1 is there anyway to get the fbx from this file?
@totallyoriginal1 is there anyway to get the fbx from this file?
@BrownieBatter48 With what I did a few months back, no. However, I'll work on getting an fbx for you guys when I can
@BrownieBatter48 With what I did a few months back, no. However, I'll work on getting an fbx for you guys when I can
@totallyoriginal1 that would be amazing if you could whenever you can
@totallyoriginal1 that would be amazing if you could whenever you can
@BrownieBatter48 It has been done!
Frisbee FBX: https://workupload.com/file/YQcPLwb5QZA
@BrownieBatter48 It has been done!
Frisbee FBX: https://workupload.com/file/YQcPLwb5QZA
@totallyoriginal1 thank you so much!! i did take a look at it but looks like it was saved as a ASCII which i cant import into blender and the file is too large to try to convert on any online sites. any chance you could save it as binary?
@totallyoriginal1 thank you so much!! i did take a look at it but looks like it was saved as a ASCII which i cant import into blender and the file is too large to try to convert on any online sites. any chance you could save it as binary?
@BrownieBatter48 Sorry about that! Can do!
@BrownieBatter48 Sorry about that! Can do!
@totallyoriginal1 all good! thanks again! really appreciate it
@BrownieBatter48 Sorry about that! Can do!
@totallyoriginal1 hey any chance on that converted fbx?
@totallyoriginal1 hey any chance on that converted fbx?
@BrownieBatter48 Sorry for the delay, been busy with life and whatnot. The reason I didn't send the other fbx immediately was because it looked nothing like it's supposed to in blender. I'm going to try again later when I get the chance!