LF: Frisbee by Confusey
wrote on 23 Aug 2024, 06:21 last edited by
Is anyone else having an issue with the gestures and stuff? I've imported a package that gives me fake index to use on the avatar and it's never fucked with my avatars beforehand. When I apply it on this one though, I have permanent hand claws and can't seem to fix it either. Any help would be appreciated.
Is anyone else having an issue with the gestures and stuff? I've imported a package that gives me fake index to use on the avatar and it's never fucked with my avatars beforehand. When I apply it on this one though, I have permanent hand claws and can't seem to fix it either. Any help would be appreciated.
wrote on 23 Aug 2024, 15:57 last edited by@perrito Have an issue as well- I uploaded it and my avi froze up after a few seconds of having it on (like no movement what so ever) :< dunno what I did wrong
Is anyone else having an issue with the gestures and stuff? I've imported a package that gives me fake index to use on the avatar and it's never fucked with my avatars beforehand. When I apply it on this one though, I have permanent hand claws and can't seem to fix it either. Any help would be appreciated.
wrote on 23 Aug 2024, 18:43 last edited by@perrito @CosmicTrails i can try and help! so i think what the issue is you need to go into the FX layer and where you see all parts/hands etc there may be an M , theres a little cog wheel you gotta change the mask to none! i still have to upload them myself lmk if either of you need anymore help and ill see abt uploading them soon.
@perrito @CosmicTrails i can try and help! so i think what the issue is you need to go into the FX layer and where you see all parts/hands etc there may be an M , theres a little cog wheel you gotta change the mask to none! i still have to upload them myself lmk if either of you need anymore help and ill see abt uploading them soon.
wrote on 23 Aug 2024, 21:22 last edited by@JellyandCreme If you can, could you provide a screenshot for it? I'm a little slow with taking instructions over just a text. Very slow processing, lol. But thank you for helping!!
wrote on 24 Aug 2024, 10:50 last edited by
I uploaded it and for some reason when i change into after a couple seconds i cant move or anything
@perrito Have an issue as well- I uploaded it and my avi froze up after a few seconds of having it on (like no movement what so ever) :< dunno what I did wrong
wrote on 24 Aug 2024, 14:25 last edited by@CosmicTrails same idk how to fix it
I uploaded it and for some reason when i change into after a couple seconds i cant move or anything
wrote on 25 Aug 2024, 00:09 last edited by@Sl33py-Twisted i used unity 2022, VRC fury, and poi , mine worked just fine, im not sure?
I uploaded it and for some reason when i change into after a couple seconds i cant move or anything
@Sl33py-Twisted Make sure to add gogo loco, i had the same problem but after i added it she was moving perfectly fine :3
PC Ver (No Gonso Auth): https://workupload.com/file/ujwKEj7VssV
Working on Quest next!
wrote on 9 Nov 2024, 20:48 last edited by@totallyoriginal1 is there anyway to get the fbx from this file?
@totallyoriginal1 is there anyway to get the fbx from this file?
wrote on 10 Nov 2024, 00:14 last edited by@BrownieBatter48 With what I did a few months back, no. However, I'll work on getting an fbx for you guys when I can
@BrownieBatter48 With what I did a few months back, no. However, I'll work on getting an fbx for you guys when I can
wrote on 14 Nov 2024, 04:32 last edited by@totallyoriginal1 that would be amazing if you could whenever you can
@totallyoriginal1 that would be amazing if you could whenever you can
wrote on 15 Nov 2024, 12:21 last edited by@BrownieBatter48 It has been done!
Frisbee FBX: https://workupload.com/file/YQcPLwb5QZA
@BrownieBatter48 It has been done!
Frisbee FBX: https://workupload.com/file/YQcPLwb5QZA
wrote on 15 Nov 2024, 20:31 last edited by@totallyoriginal1 thank you so much!! i did take a look at it but looks like it was saved as a ASCII which i cant import into blender and the file is too large to try to convert on any online sites. any chance you could save it as binary?
@totallyoriginal1 thank you so much!! i did take a look at it but looks like it was saved as a ASCII which i cant import into blender and the file is too large to try to convert on any online sites. any chance you could save it as binary?
wrote on 15 Nov 2024, 22:11 last edited by@BrownieBatter48 Sorry about that! Can do!
@BrownieBatter48 Sorry about that! Can do!
wrote on 16 Nov 2024, 03:24 last edited by@totallyoriginal1 all good! thanks again! really appreciate it
@BrownieBatter48 Sorry about that! Can do!
wrote on 10 Dec 2024, 18:08 last edited by@totallyoriginal1 hey any chance on that converted fbx?
@totallyoriginal1 hey any chance on that converted fbx?
wrote on 11 Dec 2024, 11:11 last edited by@BrownieBatter48 Sorry for the delay, been busy with life and whatnot. The reason I didn't send the other fbx immediately was because it looked nothing like it's supposed to in blender. I'm going to try again later when I get the chance!