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  • bypassing GonsoLicense using Shadowcopy

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    6 Posts

    for the programmers and more technically inclined, here's a very simple nodeJS based directory monitor, mentioned in footnote [3]

    'use strict' Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }) const chokidar = require('chokidar') // Define the path of the directory you want to monitor const directoryToWatch = 'path/to/project/directory/here' const watcher =, { persistent: true, ignoreInitial: false, awaitWriteFinish: { stabilityThreshold: 2, pollInterval: 5 }, atomic: true }) const alertUser = function (message) { console.log('Alert: '.concat(message)) } watcher .on('add', function (path) { return alertUser('File added: '.concat(path)) }) .on('change', function (path) { return alertUser('File changed: '.concat(path)) }) .on('unlink', function (path) { return alertUser('File removed: '.concat(path)) }) .on('error', function (error) { return console.error('Watcher error: '.concat(error)) }) console.log('Watching for changes in directory: '.concat(directoryToWatch))

    it utilizes the chokidar package to monitor a directory for any incoming changes, additions, and deletions - users can use this to see immediately when GonsoLicense creates files in \Packages\com.vrchat.avatars\Samples\Dynamics\Robot Avatar\Animators (or wherever it may write to within the project directory), and should give ample notice to launch shadowcopy

    you might even be able to modify this script to detect when the decrypted files are written and automatically launch shadowcopy

    if there's enough interest i wouldn't mind writing a redistributable script to automate this whole process as much as possible