Mapping Problems
my avatar configuration mapping is all correct, from all bones being mapped accordingly to the hierarchy being in the correct order. with these conditions, im somehow getting errors claiming that the upper arms and feet are not mapped on my avatar when they clearly are. any solutions? any and all help will be appreciated.
so if the names of the bones need to be renamed, is there some sort of tool i can use or would i have to do it by hand? either way is fine. (and yes, it is a humanoid rig)
@warnut Well, I was asking if your avatar is a human. Not what kind of rig it is. Anyways, you probably need to do all of that in blender. Like I asked, was your avatar made for VRChat?
@kh4m4ri not necessarily.if you're wondering what it is, it is synaptic from CoD: IW. in which is a robot. so to answer your question, it was not originally made for vrchat, im attempting to port it
@warnut It's never a good idea to try and make an avatar that was not made for VRChat into a VRChat avatar. You'll most likely have to delete his armature in Blender and completely re-rig it.
@warnut Just telling you my opinion. I personally think the issue is the VITAL bones like the Hips, Chest, Feet, and Arms aren't named properly and so it's not detecting correctly.
this is wrong the names of the bones dont have to be the same as what your mapping it to; it can be a few different things as far as importing a animation or your animator
@Deviant Never said they had to be the same as what they're mapping it to. I said that the names are not being detected properly for VRChats system because they're completely differently named from regular avatars. Check out an actual avatar meant for VRChat, or even a booth avatar. 2 different skeleton bone names, but still both valid for VRChat. I've never tried renaming them in unity, so I wouldn't know. I also don't mess with the bones of avatars period. I leave them as is. (I only make avatars with proper rigging and bone names).