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296 Topics 1.0k Posts


  • 252 849
    252 Topics
    849 Posts
    Thanks for reporting this, i will work on a fix
  • 4 Topics
    27 Posts
    I'd really like the ability to filter an avatar based on whether it's an SDK2 or SDK3 avi.
  • 22 63
    22 Topics
    63 Posts
    Ah. Okay no me either, Not multiple people did complain about it. Me either. Forget the post ' Owner. '
  • 16 59
    16 Topics
    59 Posts
    Thanks for the report, i will work on a fix
  • Need some help with the Gonso System

    2 Votes
    29 Posts
    Update: my method sort of worked, so what i did was use mantis lod editor on all the meshes saving mesh as is creating a 100% clone with bones and all, then replaced them on the prefab manually, then i exported that new setup to fbx with built in unity fbx exporter, I ran the old avatar in play mode with vrcfury i added fix write defaults disabled to the avatar to generate the menu's ect for play mode then i found them in the vrcfury tab and duplicated them and moved them to a different location, had to reapply bone positioning manually when setting the rig to humanoid when i did the new fbx set up, then i used the exported mesh to rebuild the avatar turning off what needed off, leaving on what needed to be on, shifting the old materials onto the new meshes, ect. i have a feeling the armature isnt going to be attached to the fbx so when i do get around to testing it if it fails i can use that exported fbx to fix that in blender but after that it should be all good menus appear to work fine in play mode and i have since removed gonso from my project so it isnt messing with my results on this test
  • Blender export Meshsize

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    @Clown Ok, no problem, I'm glad you tried it For this test i used a new Unity project (2022.3.6f1) and just manuka v 1.02, liltoon 1.7.2 and Thrys imported nothing else. FBX import (from the new project) into Blender 4.1 and export again, no changes made. I asked a friend of mine to reproduce it, and he get the same problem. Maybe it's just the Thrys Avatar Evaluator that outputs incorrect values. The Values in the VRCHAT SDK Panel are the same as the original FBX