@CryptiaDrops If you're going to gatekeep, stop commenting here. Thanks.

Theycallhimcakes new avatars Dorthy&Nilly -
lf Momo and Sana <3bump!
Floppiii Animation Tutorial@anonymous6969 More information needed.
LF: Femboy edit of Nebula by foxipaws@cookiemonster655 Okay so, I don't need to send a new download. Yours is perfectly fine. You just need to specify an endpoint position for the Y axis of the Boob_Root and it'll move and appear.
LF: Femboy edit of Nebula by foxipaws@cookiemonster655 I'm gonna send a new download, let me know if that works.
LF: Femboy edit of Nebula by foxipaws@cookiemonster655 Are you in play mode when testing your physbones? They don't move in the regular mode.
LF: Femboy edit of Nebula by foxipaws@cookiemonster655 Yayy!! I'm super glad it helped. You should definitely do it!! If you do, @ me!
LF: Femboy edit of Nebula by foxipaws@cookiemonster655 No problem love, let me know if this helps!
LF: Femboy edit of Nebula by foxipawshttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1qJ9frXcg96BFnn7WhJuYl2GoNHhYKdNj/view?usp=sharing @cookiemonster655
❀Gift: TheThiccWitch Assets + Tips❀TO ANYONE WONDERING HOW TO DATA TRANSFER MESHES: here's a tutorial i made! it covers
-minor sculpting
-data transfer
-information about armatures
-etc -
❀Gift: TheThiccWitch Assets + Tips❀@strawberrymosss I'm about to make a short video on data transfers!
LF: Femboy edit of Nebula by foxipaws@cookiemonster655 I found this tutorial on making ears because I don't have the time to make one about that, but I'll make one on the flattening!
Doing free avatar commissions.@SillyPuffs Unfortunately my commissions are close right now due to an abundance, but I will let you know when they're back!
[ FOUND ✔️ ] LF; Mooyang by Pup [ LIMITED ]@dizzydoll No problem love
Mapping Problems@Deviant Never said they had to be the same as what they're mapping it to. I said that the names are not being detected properly for VRChats system because they're completely differently named from regular avatars. Check out an actual avatar meant for VRChat, or even a booth avatar. 2 different skeleton bone names, but still both valid for VRChat. I've never tried renaming them in unity, so I wouldn't know. I also don't mess with the bones of avatars period. I leave them as is. (I only make avatars with proper rigging and bone names).
Mapping Problems@warnut Just telling you my opinion. I personally think the issue is the VITAL bones like the Hips, Chest, Feet, and Arms aren't named properly and so it's not detecting correctly.
Mapping Problems@warnut It's never a good idea to try and make an avatar that was not made for VRChat into a VRChat avatar. You'll most likely have to delete his armature in Blender and completely re-rig it.
Mapping Problems@warnut Well, I was asking if your avatar is a human. Not what kind of rig it is. Anyways, you probably need to do all of that in blender. Like I asked, was your avatar made for VRChat?
Mapping ProblemsYeah uh.. I'm PRETTY sure your avatars bones have to be named a certain way to be correct for VRChat. Don't think these bone names are correct. Is your avatar made for VRChat? And is it a human?
Blender help - adjusting an avatar's facial animations in blenderHey there, you can select your face mesh and then press this tab in the properties panel. Here you'll see a section called "Shape Keys" and you can just go through them and make the face you want for your renders!