
SB-QT Avatar Pen -
Lf:beanie baby assets (we don't support that weirdo)@Loveme Ah! Ok! Now I understand. Thanks for explaining it to me.
Lf:beanie baby assets (we don't support that weirdo)Not supporting that weirdo? What happened?
LF YOYOGI MORI FANBOX White Ghost MaskYea, I doubt that someone is willing to buy this in particular. yoyogi stuff tends to be overpriced af. Even Jumpy, what I got myself, is not that well made (clipping and physbone breaking clothing parts, hands being really deformed - being bent way beyond good and evil, etc).
LF: Rayvian (A "rayman-like" bird)"Rayvian", more like "Was way too lazy messing around with rigging clothes on body" lol
if possible i would like to know what shader this is for the eyehttps://virtualthreads.gumroad.com/l/AstralEye
It's the astral eye shader from virtualthreads. -
Contact Receiver is not behaving the way it should ...Uhm, I don't what you mean by "they are a little hard to see", as you can simply click on them to open them in a new tab, or right click and open them in a new window, and you will get eitherway the full original resolution, which is pretty much enough to make a 80+ year old reading everything properly without a magnifying glass.
Other than that, the issue got fixed by itself, for no apparent reason. I guess it was unity or vrc sdk or vrcfury after all (like with the IkeHUD, where it completely turns the interface fully black, for no plausible reason, as nothing has been changed (reuploading the avi causes it, while re-reuploading fixes it)).
✔ (FOUND by kh4m4ri): [RLX] Auto Fit - Auto Fit Mesh Clothing [Blender Addon]@tiredofts Why shouldn't it? What is your approach of thinking that it may not work?
It is a plugin for Blender. If your avatars (regardless of game to upload them to), in your first layer of creation, being done in blender, and you are just fitting the meshes to the body, there won't be any issues, as everything originates from that output.The only thing you can mess up is the weight painting, if you have for instance two different weight paints on body mesh and the closes layer to that mesh has slightly off weight paints, so it rotates, tilts and jiggles differently than your actual body, which is the worst practice you could output while 3D modelling.
This tool here is not the issue then.
Upcoming - Mipha by Mayosplash@cblade It is bloody common sense. This ain't a RPG or D&D Forum, buddy. Kinda shifted into another reality?
Upcoming - Mipha by Mayosplash@cblade da fuck is wrong with you?
LF Milltina Thigh Physbones 6609301Actually, it isn't that hard making a thigh jiggle yourself.
Add another bone in blender - simply extrude (E) a bone from the end of your actual upper leg, disconnect it, so it has the dotted line (just parented) and take over the weight paint data off your leg-bone (or simply redo it, if you want to narrow the area down to your taste), reimport the model into unity engine and assign physbones to the thigh-jiggle-bone (not leg), fiddle around with the values for a proper movement and there you go.Oh and also apply the freshly weight painted area of your thigh-jiggle-bone to your thigh-high and that is the last step to accomplish your goal. I have no clue if the thigh-high is a modular addon or being added to the actual avatar inside blender, so you have to find that out first.
This will be much faster than actually waiting for someone uploading this in the end.
Upcoming - Mipha by MayosplashWhy are you guys posting nonsense like this? Upcoming? Rather post when it is out.
Story about a character, on a ripper forum? Are you kinda high?No one will actually care about those factors.
✧ Tora ✧ (PC, QUEST, SFW, GREEN OPTI)Usually, you do bump every 24 hours. Please stick to that.
GIFT - Comfy Male Hoodie by RoshiI would upvote, but I am still a darn newbie (if people would upvote my properly helping-content that would change ...).
Thank you very much for your contribution! -
What happened to the search instance here?Thank you very much!
What happened to the search instance here?I am suddenly only seeing topics from 2023. I've not fiddled around with this, as it was working before just perfectly, showing me the newest LF topics, gifts, found and other stuff, which was before some recent changes made by the side completely ruining this experience.
Am I the only one having this issue? I tried getting rid off the cookies (relogging into the website, too, with that) and also tried another browser. I cannot seem to find a reliable setup for the search engine anymore, after the appearance of this issue. Adding everything accodingly (Asset category) as a search condition will also show up bunch of bump-posts, which I would rather not have clustering up my search pages (which it also never did before this mess).
LF: Black hole assets@Linze That is not the right shader...
✔ (FOUND by thechainedone) Maeve by Lucas369That uncompressed thing is about your textures, not about your parameters. Parameters are values/strings/variables/text being held by storage instances (for instance: placerHolder_string_hair = 100f). A regular "Toggle Hat/Shirt/Pants/Gloves" and whatnot Parameter will never get even close to a few MB.
That 500mb limit also has been added recently for a reason. Uncompressed files can butcher some people's experience in VRC, as those people who add like 10-20 bloody clothing sets to their avatars are not considering how it will affect people around them.Easy things to be done: Do not use 4k or even 8k textures. Compress them down to 2k with crunching them down to 50% of size. Do use a single material instance for the body and everything which has been attached to that character in blender. Try to add new clothing pieces not into unity and drag them onto your avatar, rather add them directly to the blender project and redo / refresh the UVs with textures, and so on.
✔ (FOUND by thechainedone) Maeve by Lucas369@Rick-Reefer There was and would have been never a possibility to overshoot the parameter limit of 256 bits/entries.
There was never an smaller or larger official threshold allowed/to be set.You are maybe confusing something with something different.