LF Milltina Thigh Physbones 6609301
[ミルティナ(Milltina)用]太ももプリン(Thighs Physbone) - Emission Glow - BOOTH
[JP] オリジナル3Dモデル『ミルティナ』 https://booth.pm/ko/items/6538026 ! ミルティナのv1.01.1が必要です Milltina_FCはサポートされていません それ以外のバージョンでは動作しません ! ■ SDK とUnityの基本的な使用知識をお持ちの方におすすめです。 ■ 素体を変形させるためのマニュアルはアセットに同封されています ■ プレファブ以外のファイルを他の方法で使用して発生するすべての問題に対して責任を負いません。 ■ オリジナルアバターを購入せずに使用することによって生じるすべての問題について、一切責任を負いません。 ■
Actually, it isn't that hard making a thigh jiggle yourself.
Add another bone in blender - simply extrude (E) a bone from the end of your actual upper leg, disconnect it, so it has the dotted line (just parented) and take over the weight paint data off your leg-bone (or simply redo it, if you want to narrow the area down to your taste), reimport the model into unity engine and assign physbones to the thigh-jiggle-bone (not leg), fiddle around with the values for a proper movement and there you go.Oh and also apply the freshly weight painted area of your thigh-jiggle-bone to your thigh-high and that is the last step to accomplish your goal. I have no clue if the thigh-high is a modular addon or being added to the actual avatar inside blender, so you have to find that out first.
This will be much faster than actually waiting for someone uploading this in the end.
Actually, it isn't that hard making a thigh jiggle yourself.
Add another bone in blender - simply extrude (E) a bone from the end of your actual upper leg, disconnect it, so it has the dotted line (just parented) and take over the weight paint data off your leg-bone (or simply redo it, if you want to narrow the area down to your taste), reimport the model into unity engine and assign physbones to the thigh-jiggle-bone (not leg), fiddle around with the values for a proper movement and there you go.Oh and also apply the freshly weight painted area of your thigh-jiggle-bone to your thigh-high and that is the last step to accomplish your goal. I have no clue if the thigh-high is a modular addon or being added to the actual avatar inside blender, so you have to find that out first.
This will be much faster than actually waiting for someone uploading this in the end.
@blapanda I have very little knowledge of blender rigging & weightpainting, but I can try give this a go, thank you.