@Meder187 Updated link in post, GraffitiMarker_1.0.1.zip

BOUGHT: [VRChat] Graffiti Marker by ThatFatKidsMom -
LF: ~魔法ステッカーアバターギミック~Magic Sticker~Looking for VRC+ステッカー機能を再現するギミック!~魔法ステッカーアバターギミック~Magic Sticker~
Ty!! -
LF: 【オリジナル3Dモデル】IronWicker【TacticalWear】[ Clothes FullSet ] -
LF Yoll White Summer outfit by OathEnded up buying this, enjoy everyone!
LF: 【VRC無限ポケットシステム】素早く取り出せる‼️【VRCInfinitePocketSystem】(Found by Dirtie) ✔@Dirtie do you happen to have the v2.1.1 version of this?
LF:【 HALF JACKET ハーフジャケット 】FULL SET OR ANY AVATAR+1 for full set!
LF: ClothUtility Ver.3.2+1 would like the updated ver!
LF Simulation Collision System+1 for this!
LF:VRCDollSetEX+1 for this
BOUGHT: [VRChat] Graffiti Marker by ThatFatKidsMom@Dangernoodle48 @honeyboo Apologies forgot the video!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AFVg_pkaIE -
BOUGHT: [VRChat] Graffiti Marker by ThatFatKidsMomEnded up buying it, Link in post
BOUGHT: [VRChat] Graffiti Marker by ThatFatKidsMomBump!
BOUGHT: [VRChat] Graffiti Marker by ThatFatKidsMomBOUGHT: [[VRChat] Graffiti Marker by ThatFatKidsMom]
https://booth.pm/en/items/4871763Edit: Ver 1.0.1, enjoy everyone!
LF Yoll White Summer outfit by Oathbump!
LF Yoll White Summer outfit by Oathbump
Model editing process?-Whats the limit on model uploads? Could I have 1 master model with like 10 dif outfits, Or should I be making 1 upload per outfit?
As far as I'm aware there's no real limit on avatar uploads for PC but ideally you want to be as low as possible otherwise you'll cause a lot of lag in game for you and everyone around
I've uploaded a 16m polygon model to VRC with no issues. So having a few outfits on a single avatar shouldn't be too bad (I'd still recommend having a version with 1 outfit or so for optimization's reasons.)-How do you make toggles for outfits?..
This video is good explaining the steps to make toggles on your avatar and worth a watch(Just change which item/s you want toggled eg. a full outfit) the difference between BOOL and INT toggles are you can have as many BOOLs as you want active at the same time but INTs can only have 1 state showing (eg. outfit 1, outfit 2, etc)You can use whatever model/outfit you like but ones made for specific characters will fit them guarenteed, otherwise you might have to play around with scaling/edit it in blender to stop clipping issues
LF Yoll White Summer outfit by Oath+11
LF funtional watch+1 looks good
LF: Yoll China Jacket ジャケットチャイナEnded up buying this myself, wouldn't mind sharing it publicly for other Yoll assets that haven't been shared here yet!
LF: Yoll Bunny costume Ver.CTyvm