Reputation issue and user conduct.
@PrIsMaTiSm as @Floralias said, i agree. you should be helpful by sharing or finding stuff on this site as member. since you are not mod, you should not annoy people by some ´´rule´´ you made up. of course it can be annyoing, but i saw you having an issue with people bumping per day. if it would be such a problem, mods would already do something with it, since it is their job. they may also do it one day.
and yet @Usakichan was attacked by nonsense, but you were just ´´annyoing´´ people even if it was meant to be nice.
about fake acc, i agree, that should be stopped, but yet, how do we know u did not do any as well, since a lot of people got downvoted by having a ´´fight´´ with you. do not take is badly, but just help people and let them be, maybe we all gonna forget about this.
@liliththatcat I didn't say it was a rule. And I also fail to see the difference between what happened to them, and what's happening to me.
You don't have to share stuff on here to be helpful. I don't have the financial ability to buy hundreds of pounds of digital goods. Others are, so I contribute in other ways. Those ways include making this site as accessible for as many people as possible without being unnavigable. Just so happens that (some) people hate people telling them nicely it's for the better of the entire community.Even this post has negative votes.... Why?
@liliththatcat I didn't say it was a rule. And I also fail to see the difference between what happened to them, and what's happening to me.
You don't have to share stuff on here to be helpful. I don't have the financial ability to buy hundreds of pounds of digital goods. Others are, so I contribute in other ways. Those ways include making this site as accessible for as many people as possible without being unnavigable. Just so happens that (some) people hate people telling them nicely it's for the better of the entire community.Even this post has negative votes.... Why?
@PrIsMaTiSm i see, well this is site with ripped assets, and yeah, you cannot be helpful other than sharing stuff. lecturing other people about something you have no right about except mods is not helpful.
@PrIsMaTiSm i see, well this is site with ripped assets, and yeah, you cannot be helpful other than sharing stuff. lecturing other people about something you have no right about except mods is not helpful.
@liliththatcat That's literally not true, if the only way you can be helpful is by sharing stuff, then why is there even a helper role? Heck why is there even an admin? You argument doesn't make any sense and it gets upvoted.
@PrIsMaTiSm I am not pleased that you leaked our DMs from a few months ago to use as ammunition in an argument. I had considered assigning the helper role to a few individuals, but I ultimately decided against choosing you. I would prefer someone in the helper role who avoids drama and is well-liked by all. If you happen to notice anyone potentially abusing the reputation system, please DM me the details. Up until now, I haven't received any messages regarding such issues. The reputation system was meant to be a fun addition for the community, but if it ends up causing more harm than good, I am open to removing it just as easily. (However, at this point, I don't intend to remove it).
@SpookyVersace I cannot reply to you or report other users for their activity. I would be forced to advise you on here since the users of this forum banned me from using PM chats. If you're okay with that, I can do it, but would much prefer PMing.
@liliththatcat That's literally not true, if the only way you can be helpful is by sharing stuff, then why is there even a helper role? Heck why is there even an admin? You argument doesn't make any sense and it gets upvoted.
@PrIsMaTiSm what does not make sense? you are not mod so you cannot help in any way than sharing stuff.
@SpookyVersace I cannot reply to you or report other users for their activity. I would be forced to advise you on here since the users of this forum banned me from using PM chats. If you're okay with that, I can do it, but would much prefer PMing.
@PrIsMaTiSm My discord is in my bio, just send me a message there.
Alright ya'll stop rep bombing them. Some of you actually do need a slap on the ass every once in awhile when it comes to spamming +1 every five minutes like its going to get me to buy something quicker and post it, lol. I actually have to post it to VRMmodels before I post it here now because ya'll been getting free memberships off me over there.
I'm sure yoshi would love to come back and just spam bump every thread lol.
I see, so by downvoting you do want yoshi back!
I see, so by downvoting you do want yoshi back!
@TheReGodfather LOL I remember that guy haha
@PrIsMaTiSm My discord is in my bio, just send me a message there.
@SpookyVersace Thanks, I will DM you when I have a second
Alright ya'll stop rep bombing them. Some of you actually do need a slap on the ass every once in awhile when it comes to spamming +1 every five minutes like its going to get me to buy something quicker and post it, lol. I actually have to post it to VRMmodels before I post it here now because ya'll been getting free memberships off me over there.
I'm sure yoshi would love to come back and just spam bump every thread lol.
@TheReGodfather I remember the lost convo i had with the yoshi. i was warning them about a lunar runa skin because the owner of the skin threatened me with a lawsuit if i shared the skin again and i told them to watch with posting anything with lunar's stuff.
@TheReGodfather I remember the lost convo i had with the yoshi. i was warning them about a lunar runa skin because the owner of the skin threatened me with a lawsuit if i shared the skin again and i told them to watch with posting anything with lunar's stuff.
@shadowangelking I would have told her up yours and actually sell your avatar properly without charging almost 3000 dollars to get all the pieces that were supposed to be on it originally but they decided to sell it piecemeal
Alright ya'll stop rep bombing them. Some of you actually do need a slap on the ass every once in awhile when it comes to spamming +1 every five minutes like its going to get me to buy something quicker and post it, lol. I actually have to post it to VRMmodels before I post it here now because ya'll been getting free memberships off me over there.
I'm sure yoshi would love to come back and just spam bump every thread lol.
@TheReGodfather Woah careful Godfather, these users are going to come after you next! Again!
@shadowangelking I would have told her up yours and actually sell your avatar properly without charging almost 3000 dollars to get all the pieces that were supposed to be on it originally but they decided to sell it piecemeal
@TheReGodfather trust me. I would if i could, but its not worth losing everything over.
@TheReGodfather Woah careful Godfather, these users are going to come after you next! Again!
did you figure out that BS that was going on?
did you figure out that BS that was going on?
@shadowangelking I have no idea what that means.
@shadowangelking I have no idea what that means.
@PrIsMaTiSm The literal problem that started this thread
@PrIsMaTiSm The literal problem that started this thread
@shadowangelking I'm saying that this sentence "did you figure out that BS that was going on?" Doesn't make sense.
@shadowangelking I'm saying that this sentence "did you figure out that BS that was going on?" Doesn't make sense.