Reputation issue and user conduct.
@SpookyVersace Thanks, I will DM you when I have a second
@TheReGodfather I remember the lost convo i had with the yoshi. i was warning them about a lunar runa skin because the owner of the skin threatened me with a lawsuit if i shared the skin again and i told them to watch with posting anything with lunar's stuff.
@shadowangelking I would have told her up yours and actually sell your avatar properly without charging almost 3000 dollars to get all the pieces that were supposed to be on it originally but they decided to sell it piecemeal
@TheReGodfather Woah careful Godfather, these users are going to come after you next! Again!
@TheReGodfather trust me. I would if i could, but its not worth losing everything over.
did you figure out that BS that was going on?
@shadowangelking I have no idea what that means.
@PrIsMaTiSm The literal problem that started this thread
@shadowangelking I'm saying that this sentence "did you figure out that BS that was going on?" Doesn't make sense.
@jokoukake Are you advocating creating alts to solve the communities problems? Few have done this yes, but it doesn't solve the issue.
@PrIsMaTiSm You need to understand some people on here care allot less here since it's a grab what you can kind of place. Remember "There is no honor among thieves" and some people like the excuse to pick on others. There is not much you can do unless the admins take action. The alt account thing is not much of a solution since people are still going to pick fights on a whim. Try and talking with admins or even form a group that looks out for this sort behavior, otherwise you are up a creek with out a paddle.
@jokoukake lol, who said I was ever mad? No, just disappointed.
@shadowangelking dude, stop talking, lol.
@PrIsMaTiSm You have this need to be right the whole even though the truth is YOU are the one shitting yourself over internet points and to be honest, you sound like a total cunt to be around. If you want to be smart, learn from this thread and just stop talking.
@PrIsMaTiSm oh and the best part of this is I don't have to listen to yourself in your ocean of an ego. Mwah. Bye
@shadowangelking lol, you just can't, can you?
I’m not much of a vocal poster here but I don’t believe the answer to your problems will come from arguing and ignoring valid responses. This isn’t really a situation you can fix from just covering your ears and pretending you don’t know why you keep getting down voted. Any response you get you just reply with antagonist energy. Or you really just can’t see why. I don’t think this post is truly going anywhere nor will it reach a proper conclusion. :c @PrIsMaTiSm