how to fix this unity crash? and how to upload from vrca file?
ive tried doing the hotswap thing and that doesnt work at all and does nothing, ive tried uploading it normally too and it just says "missing script" or
BuilderException: Failed to build the Avatar, check logs for more details
VRC.SDK3A.Editor.VRCSdkControlPanelAvatarBuilder.Build (UnityEngine.GameObject target, System.Boolean testAvatar) (at ./Packages/com.vrchat.avatars/Editor/VRCSDK/SDK3A/VRCSdkControlPanelAvatarBuilder.cs:2141)
VRC.SDK3A.Editor.VRCSdkControlPanelAvatarBuilder.Build (UnityEngine.GameObject target) (at ./Packages/com.vrchat.avatars/Editor/VRCSDK/SDK3A/VRCSdkControlPanelAvatarBuilder.cs:2331)
VRC.SDK3A.Editor.VRCSdkControlPanelAvatarBuilder.BuildAndUpload (UnityEngine.GameObject target, VRC.SDKBase.Editor.Api.VRCAvatar avatar, System.String thumbnailPath, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) (at ./Packages/com.vrchat.avatars/Editor/VRCSDK/SDK3A/VRCSdkControlPanelAvatarBuilder.cs:2346)
VRC.SDK3A.Editor.VRCSdkControlPanelAvatarBuilder+<>c__DisplayClass104_0.<CreateBuildGUI>b__4 () (at ./Packages/com.vrchat.avatars/Editor/VRCSDK/SDK3A/VRCSdkControlPanelAvatarBuilder.cs:1898)
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__7_0 (System.Object state) (at <eef08f56e2e042f1b3027eca477293d9>:0)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <b41119cc6741409ea29f63c7f98de938>:0)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext.Exec () (at <b41119cc6741409ea29f63c7f98de938>:0)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext.ExecuteTasks () (at <b41119cc6741409ea29f63c7f98de938>:0)im very new to unity things
ive noticed a bigger problem, i dont think i got the actual vrca file at all, it just says data and the sars hotswap thing wont detect it. what do i do??? i did the method to get it that was here but did i do it wrong?
ive noticed a bigger problem, i dont think i got the actual vrca file at all, it just says data and the sars hotswap thing wont detect it. what do i do??? i did the method to get it that was here but did i do it wrong?
@standstoreman you can try to download it form
what am i supposed to do about missing scripts?
hotswapping uploading wont work at all and i cant upload the avi cause of "missing scripts"@standstoreman gotta manually find what components the missing scripts are on and remove them
@standstoreman gotta manually find what components the missing scripts are on and remove them
@OrangeBurger but wouldnt that remove that feature from the avi? i checked and its on the main part of the avi and without it itd just be useless
@OrangeBurger but wouldnt that remove that feature from the avi? i checked and its on the main part of the avi and without it itd just be useless
@standstoreman a "missing script" already isn't functioning, it happens when theres a missing asset like usually Dynamic bones
ive noticed a bigger problem, i dont think i got the actual vrca file at all, it just says data and the sars hotswap thing wont detect it. what do i do??? i did the method to get it that was here but did i do it wrong?