Does anyone know how to implement the real kiss system??
When I drag it in it doesn't actually work and the saliva just sticks out in a line without bones
RealKissSystem リアルキスシステム【VRChat】 - すーぱーねこや - BOOTH
【ModularAvatar 1.8以上が必要です】 ** If you use VRCFury/SPS(AKA "new DPS") for Avatar setup, please read notice in this page before buying. ** VRChat上で唾液が糸を引くようにする製品です。 RealKissSystemのご購入者様同士での間で唾液ブリッジを表示します(Auto mode)。 単体ではワールド固定モード、アバター内追従機能をお使いいただけます。 また、DPSをお持ちの場合互換性機能をご利用いただけます。 動作テストアバターはこちらから→
Hey did you ever manage to find out how to use it properly?
If you're trying to use SPS instead of DPS for the system, you have to import RealKissVRCF as well, which you can find here and all you do is drag the RealKissSystemVRCF prefab onto the head and line it with the lips of the avatar with the ball end in your mouth. Hopefully this helps.
N NeonAlpha02 referenced this topic on