How to place tattoos across the back of model textures like this?
There was an asset on booth that allowed you to place images directly on the body, can't remember the store page though
the other option would be putting the model in blender and adding the image to it that way, not that i know how i just know it's possiblefound the tool i was talking about, shared here:
doing it in photoshop on the raw texture isn't a great way to do it. though depending on how complicated your tattoo is it's still possible, but you'll likely have to experiment to get it right. The middle of the back is each side (edge) of the main body. so you may have to split your tattoo in two and put them at each side, and at the same angle(and same level)
Something like this?
Probably better to use the tool @eiron mentioned if it gets you similar results, because Manuka is UV unwrapped in such an odd way, im not sure you could accurately make edits in photoshop on the back without trial and error.