[Help] How do you commenting /make a post as a newbie?
My friend joined the site, and I cannot remember how I started being able to post here.
same bruh, I don't know how to post public posts, it does indeed let mi comment, but doesn't let me post
same bruh, I don't know how to post public posts, it does indeed let mi comment, but doesn't let me post
@OdioAmaricones We figured it out actually! You gotta just verify your email address then you can!
Where is the button to post exactly? My email is verified and everything but I haven't used the site in a while and can't find it. Thanks in advanced!
@EpicGamer57 click the categories on the top left, and then look for the correct forum you want to submit it too. then there should be a button on the right side of the page saying "new topic" and then you're all set. fill it out and submit!
@Ancient-Oracle Oh my god thank you so much! You're a life saver lol