Making an avatar in Unity
i know how to add phys bones btw just even with me adding them to the armature of the e-girl base it still doesnt want to move
@_asi4n hi hun. the head you will have to do in blender, though it's kinda intimidating it's honestly not that hard. i hear the CATS plugin makes it easier. i'll find a video tutorial for you.
can you tell me your step-by-step process of adding the physbones? i can tell you where you're going wrong
@_asi4n hi hun. the head you will have to do in blender, though it's kinda intimidating it's honestly not that hard. i hear the CATS plugin makes it easier. i'll find a video tutorial for you.
can you tell me your step-by-step process of adding the physbones? i can tell you where you're going wrong
oh dw i know how to connect the head in blender just im lazy and i dont really know how to export it so it can go into unity okay since my last model that i exported into unity turned into a monster. T.T
and i thought there was a way to connect a head in unity without blender :')
Basically my process i was just copying another avi called Oniru which has the both body and head i want connected and i was just going through the plain e-girl base off Oniru's Armature and putting the vrc phys bones and copying the component to paste it as paste component value as i usually do for like hairs and clothes and other stuff i want to move but i may be missing a step of adding the collider cause i have not done so as that part confuses me >.< i just wanna pay someone at this point to build me one or teach me the new stuffs of how to create cause blender im somewhat okay still beginner level but i also wanna sculpt the egirl base but thats for the future i just need to know how to make the boobs ass and thighs and tummy jiggle for its phys bones
Hey there, there is no way to connect a head to a body in Unity. You WILL need Blender for this.
-- As for the physbone bit, all you need to do is open the armature and find the bits that need physbones, go to the inspector, press "Add Component" and type in VRC Physbone. You will click that, and your physbone will be added. All you need to do is mess with the values to your liking.
oh dw i know how to connect the head in blender just im lazy and i dont really know how to export it so it can go into unity okay since my last model that i exported into unity turned into a monster. T.T
and i thought there was a way to connect a head in unity without blender :')
Basically my process i was just copying another avi called Oniru which has the both body and head i want connected and i was just going through the plain e-girl base off Oniru's Armature and putting the vrc phys bones and copying the component to paste it as paste component value as i usually do for like hairs and clothes and other stuff i want to move but i may be missing a step of adding the collider cause i have not done so as that part confuses me >.< i just wanna pay someone at this point to build me one or teach me the new stuffs of how to create cause blender im somewhat okay still beginner level but i also wanna sculpt the egirl base but thats for the future i just need to know how to make the boobs ass and thighs and tummy jiggle for its phys bones
As for exporting a model from Blender to Unity.. all you have to do is File -> Export -> FBX. (In Blender)
i know how to add phys bones btw just even with me adding them to the armature of the e-girl base it still doesnt want to move
@_asi4n i think it's because you are copying the physbone component of the other avatar and pasting it onto yours, which might have different collider radius? are you uploading it and the physbone does not work?
ah okii thank youu!, imma just try it all out then give a reply back if it works or i messed up somewhere because it still hasn't worked >.<
@_asi4n i think it's because you are copying the physbone component of the other avatar and pasting it onto yours, which might have different collider radius? are you uploading it and the physbone does not work?