Avatar Help!! [Rurune]
Hello~~ I am trying to upload the base Rurune model (v1.0.7) no editing but I keep encountering this error. BOOTH
I saw this thread --> Avatar Help! of someone encountering the same error and I followed what they said in the thread but it is still not working for me.
[Changed SDK to 3.5.2 and changed to Unity 2022.3.6f1]Could anyone help me with this issue? Any help would be appreciated T_T Thank you~~!
I don't know if you're still having this issue, but i'm gonna try to recrate it just for the sake of seeing if i can find an answer in general
Also, in situations like this a picture of the error log would be really helpful
Edit: uploading the 1.0.7 on the newest unity/SDK version worked perfectly fine, so i'm guessing it's probably a problem with that version of the SDK
@Night_Raven yaaa ! it turns out i just know it was the dressing tool too ! which is a shamee but yaaa, i make a new project and not add the dressing tool, it worked normal too !