Sorry for necrobumping. Is there a reupload for the 4th clothing? The DL link is broken.

LF: Rengyo Clothes by 藻類観察会 [1/18] -
LF: Nyanyasi+1
【発売記念セール中】オリジナル3Dモデル「Uno(うの)」- for VRC+1
Lf Uno _3D avatar for VRC+1
GIFT: 【ショコラ/Chocolat】 make up + body texture❤︎, Chocolat(ショコラ)'s FacialTracking SettingThank you!
LF: ひぐれ higure by ねこの_nekonobump
Gigi Murin 3D ModelJudging from the Twitter replies in the post you linked, it seems to be private and might not be distributed to others
Does Milk-re share an avatar base with any of the komado avatars?Such as Rusk, Karin, Mint or anyone else.
Looking for お嬢様のお茶会 Tea party dress Fullbump kipfel
LF: These clothing assets (3/7 Found)Hi. Yuki Usagi Knit (number 6 on the main post) MEGA link no longer works. Thought I'd point that out.
(2/10 found) LF These komado/milk outfits! (Thread Theme: There's Too Many Darn Manuka/Karin Outfits On This Site and So Little Milk Re Support!)@Windows_Xp Thank you! I'll update the main post
LF:SCHOOL ELEGAN for Limebuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump
LF: ひぐれ higure by ねこの_nekonobump
Mamehinata clothes@cocoa_cocoa_r THANK YOU!
LF A few live2D models on Booth+1
(2/10 found) LF These komado/milk outfits! (Thread Theme: There's Too Many Darn Manuka/Karin Outfits On This Site and So Little Milk Re Support!)+1
I found a download in another thread.Snow bunny 7:
From here. -
LF A few live2D models on Boothbump
LF A few live2D models on Booth you're also interested in acquiring these, please help by bumping too!
LF 《サマーセール中》エプロンワンピース【10アバター対応】 Fullset/Milkbump
LF 《サマーセール中》セーラーパーカー【7アバター対応】 Fullset/Milkbump