Reputation issue and user conduct.
You are probably right. You are persistent in justifying that your actions are right, while everyone else is wrong and/or their actions is not to your liking.
You have 2 post here that is upvoted, I don't see that as silencing. People are using it to express whether they agree or disagree with what is being said.
You think you are doing something helpful even though you were told by multiple people that it isn't. Instead of improving on their advise, disagreed with it even after multiple conclusions were provided by others. Making it seem like the forum should be catered to you, and giving off a bad impression of yourself.
You are right, you shouldn't stop. No one is stopping you because they can't, the same way you can't stop others. However the consequences that come with your actions will be based solely on your decision, and that applies to everyone.
If this has gone beyond reps and you can't control people, then arguing will not further any positive development.
Hi ya'll im here just to get the most rep in this thread. Rep me up!
@Flippy many replies I get ARE antagonist energy...... Just look at half of what @shadowangelking posts, especially on here where none of that is helpful or wanted. And I get downvoted, lol.
@CoolSkeleton95 If what you say is true "These internet points on a niche part of the internet means nothing" Then why should I stop? It's not that I am being flippant in my responses warranting forceful removal from the platform, it's that because of my persistence that I am getting downvoted. The fact that people downvote me for not leaving something alone while they do the same is the ultimate irony here.
If you didn't want to argue, then don't argue and leave it, but don't downvote me for doing something you are doing as well. I am fine with discussing it as long as it stays on topic, that's why I don't mind continuing. It's not about rep at this point. It is about continuing to show the double standard of some people here.I can get -4 rep for being nice, and someone can get +5 rep for being a jerk. That is the problem I see. It goes beyond who is actually right and wrong, that stopped being relevant as soon as people started downvoting to silence people.
@PrIsMaTiSm I see you are not over this so I will put my hat in the ring once more. You say you are over the point thing yet, are envious when I get points cause
"Just look at half of what shadowangelking posts, especially on here where none of that is helpful or wanted. And I get downvoted, lol." Is a clear sign you are not over this.
If you want to label or antagonize me, I'm fine with that but don't be talking shit unless you are ready to see what others feel about it also.
Honestly I found this thread due to often seeing people getting told off for bumps or arguments in the comments of looking for requests about you calling people out. I understand someone bumping every 5 minutes like it was at one point can be a bit bothersome as its hard to see what new assets people are looking for without having to scroll past all the bumps from one user. However, someone posting every few hours to each day isn't as much of an issue in my eyes as it still leaves room to see new posts. I think for now if you want to build your rep its best just to keep your head down help with looking for assets where you can. It's not worth arguing with people in this post as it only ruins your reputation more which you seem keen on protecting. As already mentioned by others people don't like to be modded for things by someone who isn't a mod it's a bit like being called out by the teachers pet you just end up disliking them. Not trying to insult just saying it for what it is, probably best to lay low and stop engaging with people here as it only gets worse. Hope everyone enjoys their day and makes some cool avatars!
I will make a poll in updates about disabling downvotes and people can vote.
@SpookyVersace I think that would be a good idea as it gets rid of the tension. However downvotes are still useful for individuals who may be a bit unsavoury or up to no good on the forums as it makes others aware to be careful when dealing with those individuals. I suppose reporting is a thing but theres not much that can be done if a person is doing something that isn't exactly against the rules but not really liked by people either. However it does seem that downvoting does seem to cause issues as seen in this thread as some people can get too invested in their reputation on the forums not that its a bad thing to like having a good reputation.
Please discuss this in the new topic that I have made. Will be a lot easier to follow along.
Remove downvoting?
Greetings, everyone! Lately, there has been a surge of drama surrounding the downvote system. I've received several dms asking me to consider disabling the d...
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took the time to read this thread. stop arguing with everybody what's your issue man? over half of the people here have given you solid good advice (keep your head down for while, stop acting like a mod when you are not one, help others in forum posts when they need it, etc.) and you literally push back on them and even argue. THAT'S why you're getting downvoted. you do not seem like an enjoyable person to be around. it's insane to me it has gotten to a point that spooky felt the need to bring up removing reputation. stop modding people around when you are, in fact, not a mod. stop fighting with people who were just trying to help you and the problems you created over your own actions. and just a suggestion: maybe follow the advice you were asking for and was given? by numerous people? because what is the point of this thread given you have not taken a single persons advice yet so far and have continued to do nothing but say the same things over and over and argue? glad to see over 60% agree in the thread spooky linked people agree to keep it. and surprise! the people disagree with you in that thread too. i still see you around after all this time STILL complaining about reputation. please stop. it isn't changing. most of us don't WANT it to change, as proven in multiple forum threads. the reputation system is not the problem, you are.
took the time to read this thread. stop arguing with everybody what's your issue man? over half of the people here have given you solid good advice (keep your head down for while, stop acting like a mod when you are not one, help others in forum posts when they need it, etc.) and you literally push back on them and even argue. THAT'S why you're getting downvoted. you do not seem like an enjoyable person to be around. it's insane to me it has gotten to a point that spooky felt the need to bring up removing reputation. stop modding people around when you are, in fact, not a mod. stop fighting with people who were just trying to help you and the problems you created over your own actions. and just a suggestion: maybe follow the advice you were asking for and was given? by numerous people? because what is the point of this thread given you have not taken a single persons advice yet so far and have continued to do nothing but say the same things over and over and argue? glad to see over 60% agree in the thread spooky linked people agree to keep it. and surprise! the people disagree with you in that thread too. i still see you around after all this time STILL complaining about reputation. please stop. it isn't changing. most of us don't WANT it to change, as proven in multiple forum threads. the reputation system is not the problem, you are.
@Sirin ik bro bro, he is still going around complaining about rep system lol