Full Torinyan Runa/Luna Assets List:
I think I misinterpreted the message, you're not supposed to send the new one...lol
ok one more thing for the list, does anyone have this Runa lantern tail?
https://booth.pm/zh-cn/items/5891098 -
@Forever-2B I already included that asset to the list, and no one has shared it yet.
saw your copy was broken, thought i'd drop this off as thanks
https://mega.nz/file/4oNyDaaA#aB7nx6MDSqh8nNNrw1qzR6JDp5zRt8D5v43GKf6QWos -
@JonnyBoy Thanks, I'll update it now.
Need an updated link for the Robo-Thicc Extension.. Anyone happen to have it?
@SulfuricKara here you go https://workupload.com/file/wCJUkRYr2TA
@VoidAura Huuuge thank you!
@WanWan Noticed that you were missing the Athletic Tracksuit, here is the updated version!
https://mega.nz/file/WV9nnRgA#mVuiYS8ujCw7lWvG-ZkVMGpXfkmYv4qx6NbuR8T4R6o -
I also realized I have the heavy legs for the APERTURE skin as well. Hope you all find use!
https://mega.nz/file/WQVRGLhR#lQfsGi-m1hWYCu31nGxVYFhztZNzM8dnh63htZig0wI -
@FeindishHatter Thanks! Added to the list.
This post is deleted!
Bumping one of the greatest threads on this site
the Runa soft thigh covers lack the mimi runa version,
ifanyone has that version and would like to share it, that would be appriciarred
The Hexforged Runa Link is down, Polybunny seems to have pulled all his assets recently.
Anyone got it? -