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Detailed Angel/Seraphim Wings | Set of 6 |
💛💛💛Seraphim Wings by Serapheminine💛💛💛Cheaper on Payhip A year in the making!If you make any cool edits or have questions, please let me know!Discord: Serapheminine 🖤🖤🖤 PACKAGE CONTENTS 🖤🖤🖤A set of two, four, or six wings!Pre-setup animations, menus, parameters, and physbones!Materials for all wings!These do not use feather cards! They have more volume and look good with or without textures as a result.MESH STATS Top Wings: 59216 Polygons | 24 Bones Middle Wings: 130174 Polygons | 24 Bones Bottom Wings: 111552 Polygons | 26 Bones Terms Of Services:- Under no conditions should this asset be redistributed on existing models without the commercial license.- Under no conditions should this asset be uploaded as a public model for use by any other party.- Under no conditions should you claim ownership of the product shown.- You are only permitted to use this asset on commercial avatars with the proper license being purchased.- Failure to comply with the statements above may result in a blacklist from future purchases.- Failure to comply with the statements above may also result in legal action taken against you in order to protect the product.- Refunds and chargebacks cannot be covered as this is a digital product, not a physical. By purchasing you agree you won't refund at a later date.✓ By purchasing this product, you hereby accept the Terms of Services of this particular product.Jinxxy Tags: Angelic, Wings, Ethereal, Heavenly, Divine, Celestial, Seraphic, Feathered, Radiant, Spiritual, Graceful, Messenger, Guardian, Flight, Transcendent, Cherubic, Halo, Ascendant, Otherworldly, Winged Beings, Purity, Enchanting, Luminescent, Resplendent, Aerial, Mystical, Supernatural, Elegance, Symbolic, Comforting, Female, Male, Unisex, Divine, Holy, Light, Dark, VRChat, Feathers, Accessories
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