Removing Inactive Topics and Unnecessary Comments
Can I say something?
There are people who ask for something and when the link is left for all those interested to download, OP deletes the topic since he downloaded what he wanted.
That seems somewhat unfair to me, because of the people who do not download it or create a topic to search for the same thing that has already been shared.
That happened once I shared a link for someone who requested an avatar and then deleted the topic. Then I created a topic in the avatars section for those who were interested.
We can't stop the OP from deleting the topic, but there should be a penalty.@Mastema Speaking doesn't require permission.
From my observation, only a small number of people actually remove their topics after finding what they need. Nonetheless, I want to ensure equal treatment for all forum users. If this feature is deemed significant by the community, we can think about disabling the option to delete topics. However, I would require confirmation that this is the community's preference.
@Mastema Speaking doesn't require permission.
From my observation, only a small number of people actually remove their topics after finding what they need. Nonetheless, I want to ensure equal treatment for all forum users. If this feature is deemed significant by the community, we can think about disabling the option to delete topics. However, I would require confirmation that this is the community's preference.
@SpookyVersace Maybe make it so people can still delete it if there are no replies yet? Since some people might notice they made a post in the wrong topic or realized that someone else posted their lf already. Just a suggestion! I'm glad to see how considerate you are to what the community thinks ^^
@SpookyVersace Maybe make it so people can still delete it if there are no replies yet? Since some people might notice they made a post in the wrong topic or realized that someone else posted their lf already. Just a suggestion! I'm glad to see how considerate you are to what the community thinks ^^
@Damnation Of course
The community is really important, and we value everyone's input. I like your suggestion. Maybe we can give them a few minutes after posting to make any changes or delete the if topic they need to. And if that's not possible, no worries, they can always reach out to me directly. Thanks again for your suggestion
@jackalite This is regarding mainly the "Looking for..." category, it's specifically for people looking for avatars and assets. If I see a topic that already found what they were searching for, I'll move it to the right category. I won't be getting rid of any topics that have useful stuff in them. Just the ones that haven't had any activities or haven't found what they're searching for in ages.
@Mastema Speaking doesn't require permission.
From my observation, only a small number of people actually remove their topics after finding what they need. Nonetheless, I want to ensure equal treatment for all forum users. If this feature is deemed significant by the community, we can think about disabling the option to delete topics. However, I would require confirmation that this is the community's preference.
@SpookyVersace You already have my vote to disable topic deletion. These are the exact little gremlins i was talking about.
@SpookyVersace You already have my vote to disable topic deletion. These are the exact little gremlins i was talking about.
@TheGodfather In my opinion, gremlins are adorable creatures, and therefore, it's a kind gesture to refer to them as such. Nonetheless, most people do not remove their topics, and based on my observations, even those who have deleted their topics have made contributions in the forums.
Is there any way we can "clean" our account ourselves?
I have to admit that there are posts ( like the bump or +1) and topics I've made that I want to erase it all or just organize it properly. -
@TheGodfather In my opinion, gremlins are adorable creatures, and therefore, it's a kind gesture to refer to them as such. Nonetheless, most people do not remove their topics, and based on my observations, even those who have deleted their topics have made contributions in the forums.
@SpookyVersace nice try but you gotta try harder then that to spite me lol
@Finn At the moment, you have the option to delete your posts, which will make it appear deleted to others but still exist. I am considering enabling a feature that would allow you to completely purge the message, but I need to determine if it is appropriate to do so.
@TheGodfather Nobody is trying to spite you. I understand that you might be feeling upset, but you need to try and relax. Constant negativity won't help. I appreciate your contributions to the forums, but please remember that there are limits to negativity. If your reputation falls below -100, I will suspended your account.
@Finn At the moment, you have the option to delete your posts, which will make it appear deleted to others but still exist. I am considering enabling a feature that would allow you to completely purge the message, but I need to determine if it is appropriate to do so.
@TheGodfather Nobody is trying to spite you. I understand that you might be feeling upset, but you need to try and relax. Constant negativity won't help. I appreciate your contributions to the forums, but please remember that there are limits to negativity. If your reputation falls below -100, I will suspended your account.
@SpookyVersace I tell people to downvote me for a reason. Some of your members disappeared because of said reason.
if you want to suspend me at -100 for telling people to downvote me on my posts, sure fine. I'm sure someone will totally step up to the plate and offer their stuff and refresh my links.
@SpookyVersace I tell people to downvote me for a reason. Some of your members disappeared because of said reason.
if you want to suspend me at -100 for telling people to downvote me on my posts, sure fine. I'm sure someone will totally step up to the plate and offer their stuff and refresh my links.
@TheGodfather I am still unsure what requesting downvoting would accomplish? Surely it doesn't show any booth author that may be patrolling these forums that you don't condone sharing assets. And how do they 'disappear' from this forum? Booth police?
@TheGodfather I am still unsure what requesting downvoting would accomplish? Surely it doesn't show any booth author that may be patrolling these forums that you don't condone sharing assets. And how do they 'disappear' from this forum? Booth police?
@PrIsMaTiSm You seriously got some weird hard on for me or something. I know your bitter that you miss 75 percent of the stuff i post but bug off. I fixed the black cat pack for ya'll and you are still up my ass.
@PrIsMaTiSm You seriously got some weird hard on for me or something. I know your bitter that you miss 75 percent of the stuff i post but bug off. I fixed the black cat pack for ya'll and you are still up my ass.
@TheGodfather ? I think you mistake me for someone else. I welcome your contributions, and have seldom commented to you about them. I am simply stating what I thought was obvious, that encouraging downvoting accomplishes nothing, you might as well welcome upvotes as then you would at least gain recognition for your contributions.
@TheGodfather ? I think you mistake me for someone else. I welcome your contributions, and have seldom commented to you about them. I am simply stating what I thought was obvious, that encouraging downvoting accomplishes nothing, you might as well welcome upvotes as then you would at least gain recognition for your contributions.
@PrIsMaTiSm No thanks. I prefer to look like a troll on my profile at first glance and then like someone that is handing free stuff out and is easily identifiable. I explained this before.
@SpookyVersace I tell people to downvote me for a reason. Some of your members disappeared because of said reason.
if you want to suspend me at -100 for telling people to downvote me on my posts, sure fine. I'm sure someone will totally step up to the plate and offer their stuff and refresh my links.
@TheGodfather What do you mean by this? Why did the members disappear? Sorry I'm new to this. Does sharing stuff here get you in legal trouble of some sort or what's the problem? I've seen you mention it before but never really quiet understood it, not trying to be disrespectful or anything, just curious
@TheGodfather What do you mean by this? Why did the members disappear? Sorry I'm new to this. Does sharing stuff here get you in legal trouble of some sort or what's the problem? I've seen you mention it before but never really quiet understood it, not trying to be disrespectful or anything, just curious
@Damnation It's the same thing as back in the day before DRM became a thing. You would buy a game and then copy it to your friends. Downloading something from LimeWire or Napster, BitTorrent a cracked game. Normally it is not worth it to go after someone that is small. But someone got a stick up their ass and snitched on me. Why, I have no idea. Possibly their ego got hurt that I posted it first but I'm not here for votes or clout.
There are people that thought they were being smartasses and took the stuff i put a timer on and permaposted it while making a smart-ass remark about it and they just haven't posted since. Pretty sure they got the same thing I did when I got busted. I just want assets and people to stop leeching living off the few of us that actually do buy the stuff and take some of the risk and burden off of us. There more there are, the harder it is to lock on one person.
Oh and to the person that keeps downvoting me because versace said they will suspend me at -100, heres another one for you to downvote :3
You aien't hurting me trying to get me suspended. You are only biting your own ass.
@Damnation It's the same thing as back in the day before DRM became a thing. You would buy a game and then copy it to your friends. Downloading something from LimeWire or Napster, BitTorrent a cracked game. Normally it is not worth it to go after someone that is small. But someone got a stick up their ass and snitched on me. Why, I have no idea. Possibly their ego got hurt that I posted it first but I'm not here for votes or clout.
There are people that thought they were being smartasses and took the stuff i put a timer on and permaposted it while making a smart-ass remark about it and they just haven't posted since. Pretty sure they got the same thing I did when I got busted. I just want assets and people to stop leeching living off the few of us that actually do buy the stuff and take some of the risk and burden off of us. There more there are, the harder it is to lock on one person.
@TheGodfather Sorry that you got reported! I think a lot of people just don't quite get the timer thing, since very few people do it, or at least mention having it like you (I was the same when I first joined) and also the downvote thing paired with it just seems unusual and easily misunderstood as malicious. What repercussions did you get after you were snitched on? Hope nothing grave happened! Also yeah it would be nice to have more people sharing stuff, but I do see that a lot of people don't exactly have the means to do it (like me who had to make my own assets to start trading and get more stuff I could share here)
@TheGodfather Sorry that you got reported! I think a lot of people just don't quite get the timer thing, since very few people do it, or at least mention having it like you (I was the same when I first joined) and also the downvote thing paired with it just seems unusual and easily misunderstood as malicious. What repercussions did you get after you were snitched on? Hope nothing grave happened! Also yeah it would be nice to have more people sharing stuff, but I do see that a lot of people don't exactly have the means to do it (like me who had to make my own assets to start trading and get more stuff I could share here)
@Damnation Repercussions? I'll put it this way. I am lucky the exchange rate of dollar to yen is very good.
Oh and to the person that keeps downvoting me because versace said they will suspend me at -100, heres another one for you to downvote :3
You aien't hurting me trying to get me suspended. You are only biting your own ass.
@TheGodfather The suspension of your account at a reputation score of -100 is a measure applied universally to all forum users who attain such a level of negative reputation. It is evident that a negative reputation score is disadvantageous, and your tendency to engage in frequent arguments on the forum exacerbates this issue. I am disinclined to expend my time and effort in supervising aimless arguments that lack a discernible purpose.