Parameters and FX Help
wrote on 29 Jun 2024, 17:58 last edited by Renski007
Hi All,
Really dumb question so apologies in advance -- but I have been spending some time trying to learn Unity, Blender, Substance, etc., but I keep having a tough time wrapping my head around Parameters and FX.
Specifically, I've been trying my hand at editing models but got to the point of if I see an effect/asset or something I like on one model, replicating/copying the animations and menu toggles to a different avatar. I've done enough VRCFury that it's made my simple toggles like mats, hues, spawns, etc stupidly easy to understand but the avi's with parameters look like Arabic to me and it's a royal pain.
So far where I've been looking is at the layers and parameters sections in Unity's Animator. I've been trying to study the .anim and .controller files only to still not be able to understand how they work/connect. I can see for example if something is set to an on/off for example the mesh to vanish, I think by weight and a 0-1 scale for some so that's not too difficult. It's the complex spawns/follows etc.
In one avi in particular, the parameters make zero sense yet they seem simple or I'm just missing something. It's a motorcycle spawn and following that I can't fathom how the hell it's created. Model below if you want to try your hand at it:
I made my own mesh and figured I could copy most of the effects to it but falling on my face here. As stated earlier, I want these params/controllers on a different avi so was hoping to mimic it. I found the .anims/controllers and copied them over to the different avi successfully, now it's just setting it up and I can't figure it out for the life of me so reaching out for some pointers or any videos anyone could recommend that I could watch that would help me understand what they did easier? Not looking for the mesh/mat's they made, just the toggles to make it work.
Thanks in advance for any pointers... this is halting me so bad and I'm so close to having a cool feature on my own personal avi.
Edit: To clarify I tested my mesh with that avi and it worked perfectly, so the issue is just copying it.
wrote on 29 Jun 2024, 19:58 last edited by
Nvm, not sure how to close the post but I ended up figuring out it's best to do it myself.
Watched a video on making dissolves which literally explained how all of this works and if anything, it makes a bit more sense for my avi since I didn't really want it sliding in from nowhere.
Set world constraint > poi> dissolve + anim on/off. In this case, I can see that using VRCFury in conjunction will just make this whole process easier for me to migrate the asset between avi's.
If anyone else runs into this from a random search I can update the post accordingly to link to the sources I picked up on.
Cheers all!