Can someone get this to work? : [萌(Moe)用]太ももプリン(Thighs Physbone)
Someone was kind enough to share this particular asset that I was looking for and I was quite happy to see it, but while trying to get it to function I have had nothing but errors. I asked about this to them and they were nice and tried to help, even sending files over but I still couldn't make much sense of it.
I was wondering if anyone had gotten this to work and was possibly willing to send over a unity file with the asset already attached to the Moe base. I'd really like to get this to work but I just don't know how to work it.
Thank you for taking the time to read, have a great day~
The Booth Link:
[萌(Moe)用]太ももプリン(Thighs Physbone) - Emission Glow - BOOTH
[JP] オリジナル3Dモデル「萌」Ver.1.02.1 ! 萌のVer1.02.1が必要です それ以外のバージョンでは動作しません ! ■ SDK とUnityの基本的な使用知識をお持ちの方におすすめです。 ■ 素体を変形させるためのマニュアルはアセットに同封されています ■ プレファブ以外のファイルを他の方法で使用して発生するすべての問題に対して責任を負いません。 ■ オリジナルアバターを購入せずに使用することによって生じるすべての問題について、一切責任を負いません。 ■ 本Assetsは Moe
The Download Link:
This file has been shared with you on pixeldrain
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(They also sent the download for these files they said were given to them after the patch, but I wasn't quite sure what to do with them..)