On Over-bumping
@CodeAngel Yeah, but like, didn't you and the other admin or whatever person rake several users over the coals for suggesting it was a problem?? I've been here for like 6 months and have seen several get downvoted off the platform for suggesting something needed done.
I believe you may not be fully aware of the entire situation. I treated everyone equally in that scenario, informing them that there were no rules regarding the frequency of bumps or +1s. The issue arose when certain individuals began systematically downvoting anyone who engaged in bumping or +1ing. Although only CodeAngel and I can see who downvotes, it became evident that the same few individuals were consistently involved. Additionally, some individuals took it upon themselves to act as unofficial moderators, instructing others to refrain from bumping as if it were a rule, even though it wasn't. I communicated with each of the individuals involved and went as far as resetting the reputation of one of them to resolve the conflict. Therefore, I did not subject multiple users to severe criticism or reprimand in that particular situation.The entire situation led to additional issues with those individuals, and these problems were unrelated to the initial matter of bumping.
How should we be bumping?
@melissadick Don't get me wrong, I don't have a direct issue with you wanting to have things you're looking for moved up. That's beyond valid. It's just that there's so many people bumping so many different things that it's kinda hard to actually sift through everything. How I personally do it is I have like a priority list of things that I'm looking for the most, and I only bump the stuff near the top of that list now and again, but that's just how I do it. I don't think I'm doing it the "right" way or anything, that's just the way that makes the most sense to me and what I feel like has the highest chance of someone noticing the things I actually want to be noticed.
How should we be bumping?
@melissadick Also of note: There currently isn't an objective wrong way to go about it since there are no rules saying you should do it a certain way. Do whatever you're most comfortable with. Don't let me tell you what is and isn't right. I'm not an admin or moderator or something like that. I just thought this was a conversation worth bringing up.
@melissadick Also of note: There currently isn't an objective wrong way to go about it since there are no rules saying you should do it a certain way. Do whatever you're most comfortable with. Don't let me tell you what is and isn't right. I'm not an admin or moderator or something like that. I just thought this was a conversation worth bringing up.
We will think of something. Will keep everyone updated
I just assumed if there's no explicit rule, it'd be the same as most forum rules.. which is to not bump more than once per thread in 24 hours. I also personally saw +1 as different from bumping, as +1 shows the amount of users interested (think of an interest check) but not everyone adheres to that ofc! Just be patient with the admins guys, please.
I believe you may not be fully aware of the entire situation. I treated everyone equally in that scenario, informing them that there were no rules regarding the frequency of bumps or +1s. The issue arose when certain individuals began systematically downvoting anyone who engaged in bumping or +1ing. Although only CodeAngel and I can see who downvotes, it became evident that the same few individuals were consistently involved. Additionally, some individuals took it upon themselves to act as unofficial moderators, instructing others to refrain from bumping as if it were a rule, even though it wasn't. I communicated with each of the individuals involved and went as far as resetting the reputation of one of them to resolve the conflict. Therefore, I did not subject multiple users to severe criticism or reprimand in that particular situation.The entire situation led to additional issues with those individuals, and these problems were unrelated to the initial matter of bumping.
@SpookyVersace Interesting. From what you describe, it seems like that "unofficial moderating" may have been to stop what has now gotten your attention as a problem. Perhaps it has been needed for some time to be an actual rule.
@SpookyVersace Interesting. From what you describe, it seems like that "unofficial moderating" may have been to stop what has now gotten your attention as a problem. Perhaps it has been needed for some time to be an actual rule.
@Ashton-Peaches This has never grabbed my attention as a "problem." I neither perceive it as a problem nor dismiss it outright. My usage of the forums differs from everyone here. I log onto VRChat perhaps once a month to watch a movie. If only three people identify something as a problem among the entire forum user base, it doesn't necessarily classify as a widespread issue. When this matter arose a few months ago, I received more feedback stating that it wasn't a problem, and people didn't mind the bumping. I'm indifferent to any changes made to it or rules added. However, as evident from this post's lack of engagement, it's apparent that the community doesn't harbor significant concerns about it. We could make an announcement to get everyone's thoughts on this and maybe set up a poll to see where people stand. After that, we can decide on the next steps.
@Ashton-Peaches This has never grabbed my attention as a "problem." I neither perceive it as a problem nor dismiss it outright. My usage of the forums differs from everyone here. I log onto VRChat perhaps once a month to watch a movie. If only three people identify something as a problem among the entire forum user base, it doesn't necessarily classify as a widespread issue. When this matter arose a few months ago, I received more feedback stating that it wasn't a problem, and people didn't mind the bumping. I'm indifferent to any changes made to it or rules added. However, as evident from this post's lack of engagement, it's apparent that the community doesn't harbor significant concerns about it. We could make an announcement to get everyone's thoughts on this and maybe set up a poll to see where people stand. After that, we can decide on the next steps.
@SpookyVersace But apparently the owner has seen it as a problem? I'm confused. So you say its not a problem, but the owner admits as much. I am obviously missing something here Please feel free to explain further.
@SpookyVersace But apparently the owner has seen it as a problem? I'm confused. So you say its not a problem, but the owner admits as much. I am obviously missing something here Please feel free to explain further.
@Ashton-Peaches Me and CodeAngel are not the same person? Don't understand how something so simple is hard to understand.
I mean it was not as bad at first when the numbers were small. then the huge influx of people came it and it difficult. I mean if watching threads or following people don't help, then i am at a loss.
I mean it was not as bad at first when the numbers were small. then the huge influx of people came it and it difficult. I mean if watching threads or following people don't help, then i am at a loss.
@cloakanddagger Oh no. Those features absolutely DO help. It's just a matter of finding new threads you would want to keep tabs on or have chances at your threads being seen go down from my own personal perspective.
Also I don't really want this to turn into some argument. I just wanted to bring it up. No need for hostilities during regular ass conversation.
That being said, @SpookyVersace your point on this thread not having much interaction is kind of my point. People don't really talk all that much outside of bumping or thanking people, and those all end up blending together into a sea of bumps where you could very easily miss out on a thread you're really interested in because of the sheer amount. Like just yesterday for instance: I just went through well over 200 threads clearing them out using that handy little "mark as read" feature, and I think like six to ten of those (ballpark estimation), not including this one, didn't say some variation of "bump". That alone, without opening any threads up until only those six-ish took SEVERAL minutes since I still had to stop to read the last post on each one, and by the time that was done, about thirty of those exact same threads were back up again because a couple of people started bumping every thread they've been bumping, and I accidentally cleared a new thread in the process of getting rid of those. And ONE of those threads was a general discussion thread.
Again I'm not trying to start an argument, just pointing out something I personally think was worth bringing up, if nothing else. Also as a side note, I like your stance of saying you personally don't find it an issue, but don't want to outright ignore something either. It's my personal opinion that community projects of any type can always aim to be healthy even when there isn't a perceived problem.
i've been using that script that auto checks bumps post in the unread section https://forum.ripper.store/topic/12520/hide-and-auto-check-bump-posts-on-ripperstore-forum-script?_=1706302841326
takes a few minutes but even after sifting through most bump post i'm still left with just over 100 replies
not sure the bumping issue is something isolated to this site, i use F95 from time to time for vam stuff, though not nearly as much as here but if i did i could see my watch section being flooded with bump posts too. Though i usually just search for specific items there and get in and out. maybe the way we intereact with the site is the problem, autisitically checking every thread in case we miss something kek -
@Ashton-Peaches Me and CodeAngel are not the same person? Don't understand how something so simple is hard to understand.
@SpookyVersace What? I am simply stating that the literal owner of this site recognizes it as an issue, but apparently the administrator that is supposedly moderating this site does not. That disparity seems very odd to me. No need to get hostile, I simply was inquiring, since it seems the obvious solution would be putting a rule in place, or preventing any user from bumping to a topic within a certain time frame. I have yet to see a poll done for this possibility. What can be harmed from preventing excess bumps? Certainly nothing of consequence? I'm just so confused why this has never been addressed, even though it seems like an obvious thing to keep control of. Idk, I haven't been here as long as some, and have stayed in the shadows, but I have noticed.
People have written scripts to get around this issue, does that not mean its a problem? Moreover, whats the benefit to not doing anything about it??
@SpookyVersace What? I am simply stating that the literal owner of this site recognizes it as an issue, but apparently the administrator that is supposedly moderating this site does not. That disparity seems very odd to me. No need to get hostile, I simply was inquiring, since it seems the obvious solution would be putting a rule in place, or preventing any user from bumping to a topic within a certain time frame. I have yet to see a poll done for this possibility. What can be harmed from preventing excess bumps? Certainly nothing of consequence? I'm just so confused why this has never been addressed, even though it seems like an obvious thing to keep control of. Idk, I haven't been here as long as some, and have stayed in the shadows, but I have noticed.
People have written scripts to get around this issue, does that not mean its a problem? Moreover, whats the benefit to not doing anything about it??
@Ashton-Peaches Stayed in the shadows, Prismatrism? You aren't very good at "staying in the shadows." Too bad you didn't change on this account and still want to just argue and be passive-aggressive.
@Rae Just stay patient and we will do something sooner or later ^^
We will work on something. It's not a forum-breaking issue, so no ETA.
@Ashton-Peaches Stayed in the shadows, Prismatrism? You aren't very good at "staying in the shadows." Too bad you didn't change on this account and still want to just argue and be passive-aggressive.
@Rae Just stay patient and we will do something sooner or later ^^
We will work on something. It's not a forum-breaking issue, so no ETA.
@SpookyVersace I think if there were a bump button and or a thread to show bumped threads or popular bumps, maybe that could help. If not, at least I tossed my hat into the ring.
@Ashton-Peaches Stayed in the shadows, Prismatrism? You aren't very good at "staying in the shadows." Too bad you didn't change on this account and still want to just argue and be passive-aggressive.
@Rae Just stay patient and we will do something sooner or later ^^
We will work on something. It's not a forum-breaking issue, so no ETA.
@SpookyVersace Yes, that persons account is one of the ones I am referring to. What are you saying? You literally encourage the downvoting of people off the platform. Are you really calling me prismatis, the same person? Wow.
This for one.
Remove downvoting?
Greetings, everyone! Lately, there has been a surge of drama surrounding the downvote system. I've received several dms asking me to consider disabling the d...
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