Account no longer exists, no avatars here anymore?
What happened here? I had an account but it was no longer existing and now the website doesnt have any avatars or reuploader.. My username was coolestavis
@j0xged3 This is heartbreaking. Is there any alternative??
@j0xged3 This is heartbreaking. Is there any alternative??
@coolestavis Your alternative is searching with Just H Party's API for avatars you want to rip and use a local VRCA extractor. Dont got the vrca extractor, but JHP's API is just a google search. There's also apparently an "Avatar Recovery" discord that people use to rip avis. I think it was made by the same people who made the VRCA grabber client mod before EAC, but could be wrong. Dont got the link to it but I could ask a friend for a link. I know they only let main accounts in which led to me leaving the server lol.
I cant find JHPs api
I cant find JHPs api
@coolestavis I just googled it