LF: Komado's Chocolat (and more on release)
avoided updating fermata's facetracking 'cause it honestly kinda sucks compared to triturbo's, but it's done.
@LocalBozo thks!!
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relee full set, love you guys :3
https://www.mediafire.com/file/drg9vfhzwriw0oe/Trench_Coat_MateriaPack_v.1.01.zip/fileforgot the materials >.>
avoided updating fermata's facetracking 'cause it honestly kinda sucks compared to triturbo's, but it's done.
@LocalBozo thanks
link text 
ショコラ(Chocolat) Facial Tracking ng
This post is deleted!
avoided updating fermata's facetracking 'cause it honestly kinda sucks compared to triturbo's, but it's done.
@LocalBozo DO you have v1.03 FT Setttings? thanks!
Looking For Expression system for Chocolat 1.0.1
i have a request regarding this outfit.
the creator separated the meshes into three sizes. small, medium, large for chests scaling, and each one has its own material that just makes the whole thing look awful if you don't stick to just one.
i want any blender person to essentially turn this thing from three-part garbage into a one part peak asset. that is all.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aHc86yWKoaa4cgotX7gEtyzFSKKhY1x9/view?usp=sharing@LocalBozo said in LF: Komado's Chocolat (and more on release):
i have a request regarding this outfit.
the creator separated the meshes into three sizes. small, medium, large for chests scaling, and each one has its own material that just makes the whole thing look awful if you don't stick to just one.
i want any blender person to essentially turn this thing from three-part garbage into a one part peak asset. that is all.