LF: Komado's Chocolat (and more on release)
avoided updating fermata's facetracking 'cause it honestly kinda sucks compared to triturbo's, but it's done.
@LocalBozo thks!!
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relee full set, love you guys :3
https://www.mediafire.com/file/drg9vfhzwriw0oe/Trench_Coat_MateriaPack_v.1.01.zip/fileforgot the materials >.>
avoided updating fermata's facetracking 'cause it honestly kinda sucks compared to triturbo's, but it's done.
@LocalBozo thanks
link text 
ショコラ(Chocolat) Facial Tracking ng
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avoided updating fermata's facetracking 'cause it honestly kinda sucks compared to triturbo's, but it's done.
@LocalBozo DO you have v1.03 FT Setttings? thanks!
Looking For Expression system for Chocolat 1.0.1