The Search Function No Longer Works Properly
So i dont know what exacly happened with it.
all i know is before i used to go to search click enter on it empty and it will show me the newest posts
now it shows me post from years ago instead.and when i use the new system that says Newer Than and i click 1 Year ago or other ones theres 0 Results.
idk why that is but now i cant really search new posts like before at all using the search.
Example here i used the tags
LF Newer than One Week and empty page
if i just click the searcg Empty i get this same 2023 Post every day for the past days
and here
Category Assets Newer than one Month and nothing againJust letting everyone know cuz i havent seen a post about this issue
Same things been happening to me
tested it, it works thank you ^^