LF: Rain by Falsk
Long shot, I'm aware; but I'm looking for Rain by Falsk; he's no longer listed but he's got the softboy aesthetic I love:
RAIN (dps) - Vrchat 3.0 Avatar
MOVED STORE TO JINXXY (You can pay with Paypal etc. there)I never thought I'd make a buff male avatar, but I did...I did my best to "un-buff him" though. I hope you like him ^^This is RAIN.If you have any questions or issues(please read TOS before contact), you can contact me on discord:falsk#8447https://discord.gg/u9xUYTJtFmIMPORTANTDynamic penetration system is setup and ready to go BUT the actual script is not included. Please buy it from Raliv! Link is at the bottom of the credits section.FEATURESIf you want to see everything in action, please watch the video I've made. The video previews all of RAIN's toggles.CLOTHINGALMOST all of the textures for the clothing are completely made from scratch OR edited by me to make him unique. All of the toggles are dissolve toggles with raindrops cause.... Rain.. T-shirt - White mode. Jeans - White mode. Shorts - White mode. Boxers - White mode Jordans - White mode for left and right shoe so you can mix match. Boots - Rain boots with white mode. Puffer Jacket - White mode. Socks - White mode. RAIN clothing - Toggles on rain for all clothing. ACCESSORIESAccessories that can be toggled on. Bucket hat - A bucket hat the comes in white and black. Umbrella - Just an umbrella. Harness - A harness with black and white toggle. BODYBody modifications... Skin color - Make the skin darker with a radial puppet. Body Textures - Switch between tattoos with emission, no emission or no tattoos at all. Black eye whites - Toggles the eye whites black. Eye Texture - Pick between 2 different eye textures. White hair - The toggle speaks for itself. Ears - Toggle on/off ears and switch between black and white ears. Tail - Toggle on/off tail and switch between black and white tail. Rain Hair - Toggle on rain for hair,ears,tail. Rain Body - Toggle on rain for body + eyes. HUE SHIFTSShifts the Hue of different parts of the avatar. Eyes/hair/Ears/Tail - This hue shift controls the Eyes,Hair and wings hue. Clothing - This hue shift controls the hue of the clothing emissions Metal - This hue shift controls the metal and the clothing tint. Tattoo Color #1 - This one hue shifts part of the tattoo texture. Tattoo Color #2 - This one hue shifts the second part of the tattoo texture. PRESETSPresets toggle on certain toggles to make it easier to switch between colors and modes. Full White - Toggles on every white toggle. Full Black - Toggles off every white toggle. RAIN Mode - This toggles on all of the RAIN mode toggles. It's pretty cool. FACIAL EXPRESSION Tongue - Tongue + blush Closed eyes - Happy closed eyes. ANGY - Angry face. WINK - does the wink wink. SAD - sad face :(. MISC Projectile system. A fun way to waste your time in VR. Throw different stuff(knives) at walls or at your friends :) DPS - Dynamic penetration. Terms and Conditionshttps://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTfhFxhn7Jm61xxuzaGo8PL-h_vsP3ngai7IVNmtAe6nlGVX29ttDtO2JHWEwEnrTL1grFVWO0wwTEX/pubDISCLAIMERThe avatar MIGHT have some issue I haven't come across myself. If this is the case, please add me on discord and let me know and I'll do my best to fix it and update it! discord: falsk#8447CREDITS:If it's not credit it's either made by me from scratch or bought under a license.Base (Heavily edited and hand swapped with pandabear) - https://programblossom.gumroad.com/l/blossommale , https://pandaabear.gumroad.com/l/pandamaleHair - https://zeffyravatars.gumroad.com/l/LustHairBundleJeans - https://mehdivrc.gumroad.com/l/rippedskinnyjeansBoxers - https://payhip.com/b/R3zxn Shoes - https://payhip.com/b/31Q6RSocks - https://plaz.gumroad.com/l/sockbundleShorts (Heavily edited) - https://alces.gumroad.com/l/gmofuOversized - https://wiliem.gumroad.com/l/OversizedShirtHarness - https://payhip.com/b/gQCE6Rain shader - https://discord.gg/V3RHup2Crystal shader - https://booth.pm/en/items/1148311Tail - https://effloresce.gumroad.com/l/cgcttEars - https://darkvr.gumroad.com/l/WIWYrEye Texture - https://breadexpert.gumroad.com/l/cjiodProne, crouch - https://kisustar.gumroad.com/l/MyVAPZ , https://kisustar.gumroad.com/l/YwoGrProjectiles - https://strance.gumroad.com/l/ProjectileSystemLoco Fix - https://wetcat.gumroad.com/l/locomotionVRCDynamic penetration - https://raliv.gumroad.com/l/lwthuB
Gumroad (falsk.gumroad.com)
I realize it's a hard ask, but I'd be so very grateful
bumpitty bump bump
Bump lol , is there anyway we can move him into looking for section?
C CodeAngel moved this topic from General Support on
bump tyvm angel!!
Ty, Angel! Sorry I posted this in general support; I did mean to post it in Looking For, idk whahappen
bump pls