vrc Thumbnail filters??
i dont know where to put this so its here.
i noticed after testng an avatar that thumbnails werent working, at the time i though just custom tumbnails (select new thumbnail) they would give me upload errors but just to find out that it was what was in the image that gave me the errors. snapping a quick picture of the avatars head let me upload it, the default thumbnail. when i go to use the image i wanted to use as the thumbnail on a plane to do it the old way if failed... yes the image is nsfw (more lewd as it still clothed) it only let me upload it when its butt was out of frame. and idk if they announced that they were filtering nsfw from thumbnails. i havent read the changelogs...
what i wanted to use as the thumbnail:
what i had to use:
the same thing happened yesterday, wrote about blueprint ID, but the pipeline was empty, could not load until I changed the image
@Minty228 would it give you something like Cleared blueprint id in the error even tho it was already cleared?
thats an error i got when i was trying to upload it with the more lewd image the first time aroud. then just got upload failed error when i just tried changing the thumbnail from SFW to Lewd.