PCSS (NGSS) Needing help setting things up!
maybe this will help for most of you Poiyomi users like me.
But PCSS is kind of broken for Poi and with the language barrier of the creator and popularity of liltoon, I haven't seen a fix yet. You don't even have a context menu (right click) so solo convert poi materials like you do with liltoon.Anyway, here is a possible fix that I used for myself. This works with unity 2019 and maybe a not too recent version of PCSS. I'll copy and paste from my post from other forums
Ok, small update for those of you who are using Poiyomi for this (like me). The version of PCSS here is either dated or there is a newer version we dont have yet. Due to that, the NGSS option will not work and you get the error above.
The issue is, poiyomi no longer is located in the "assets" folder and is now located in the "packages" folder. Also, some sub folders have been rename.
To fix it, open the "PCSS4VRC_poi.cs" file in Microsoft Visual Basic or Notepad++
Go to line 421 and change the path (copy and paste this whole line) **(line number may change in future updates)string Path = @"Packages/com.poiyomi.toon/_PoiyomiShaders/Scripts/ThryEditor/Editor/ShaderOptimizer.cs";
Save the file and run it again. Should work now.
@dragonash2023 hi !
also another problem that can be fixed via the .cs file
if you have an error related to Thry saying not good version
go in the same file
line 82 : if (Thry.Config.Singleton.verion != "2.43.3")
change the number by the version you have on the error
reload, and everything should work -
Bumping because I also want to know how to work it.
@RedRust here
PCSS v4.4.5 + NGSS
https://workupload.com/file/xE76NPWLQLa -
bump pls i need help with this shader to bad. i'm installing it and everything but nothing changes, it looks like normal liltoon
@theyadoreyuki Could you share the settings please ?
nvm nvm
@UsagiiiBun said in PCSS (NGSS) Needing help setting things up!:
@RedRust here
PCSS v4.4.5 + NGSS
https://workupload.com/file/xE76NPWLQLaURRRR BEST
I was just missing the NGSS, I imported the latest one for liltoon since this one is only poi, followed the instructions, and everything worked perfect. Definitely going to start using this a lot more often now lol it's pretty easy to set up, thank you!!