Need some help with the Gonso System
Hello! I've set up this post to enquire if anyone could provide a solution to specially remove the gonso system in a way to salvage the model to its original state before the system was implemented, as unfortunately the system keeps breaking everything. Rendering the gonso related models as faulty as end users cannot get it to work.
Refunds cannot be issued, so the only solution is to fix it ourselves. One solution that as been discussed previously is either deleting the folder or not importing it in unity. However, that doesn't seem to work universally for all gonso effected models. Many paying end users have been ripped off as they cannot use the model regardless if the instructions posted by these shops were followed exactly as advised and have the correct assets in the project. Some model creators have mentioned that it has caused more harm than good to their user base, and they cannot apply any fixes or updates.
Please note, saying you'll fix it is not the answer i'm searching for. I specially mean a way to do it ourselves. While it might sound easy on paper to simply hand over the files of gonso effected models, not everyone wants to do that. It's simply out of a safety & privacy concern.
I deeply apologise for any inconveniences caused and hope we could collaborate to fix the problem together. Therefore, anyone can find the link to this thread and find the information they need. I am very grateful for any input, even if it doesn't work. Helpful and positive discussion is much appreciated and valued. I rather enjoy learning something new and supporting good teamwork than unnecessary discourse in relation to the matter
I do not mind if we have to wait a while to figure out a verifiable method that works on all models, and I'm thankful for your patience. Thank you