manuka/selestia bodyswap?
wrote on 5 Jan 2024, 05:12 last edited by A Former User 1 Nov 2024, 12:07
wrote on 5 Jan 2024, 06:02 last edited by
you can simply delete body mesh and adjust the new head moving the bones on the right spot on the armature or i think there is a tool that can do it everything for you already, btw where did you get this screenshot?
you can simply delete body mesh and adjust the new head moving the bones on the right spot on the armature or i think there is a tool that can do it everything for you already, btw where did you get this screenshot?
wrote on 5 Jan 2024, 17:53 last edited by -
wrote on 5 Jan 2024, 22:34 last edited by
I was thinking it was another base with a booth head swap, but wouldn't all the booth clothes have to be rigged to the new base in blender as well?
wrote on 6 Jan 2024, 03:50 last edited by Real Ladylight 1 Jun 2024, 04:01
actually you can head swap in unity on a different bodybase with only unity, just move the head bones of the avatar head you want on the head bones of the basebody and move the meshes with the rest of the avatar, maybe you will need to connect hips>spine>chest>neck too
wrote on 6 Jan 2024, 07:49 last edited by
thank uu ahhh ^-^ sorry i didnt see you ask abt the post
you can simply delete body mesh and adjust the new head moving the bones on the right spot on the armature or i think there is a tool that can do it everything for you already, btw where did you get this screenshot?
wrote on 11 Jan 2024, 08:44 last edited by@Real-Ladylight Thats disgusting stop telling peole to do unoptmised garbage
@Real-Ladylight Thats disgusting stop telling peole to do unoptmised garbage
wrote on 11 Jan 2024, 19:51 last edited by@UnholyZena so do you have a solution? i was just telling a way to do it with basic unity, this is an option if nobody can help in any other way and this a fact! So take your non sense flame away and just try to help!
ive been seeing alot of booth models with different body types and dont know what is is if anyone could help
I use this tool, although for specific models I have to do it myself in Unity like what @Real-Ladylight saidBooth page:
@UnholyZena so do you have a solution? i was just telling a way to do it with basic unity, this is an option if nobody can help in any other way and this a fact! So take your non sense flame away and just try to help!
wrote on 14 Jan 2024, 02:32 last edited by@Real-Ladylight its not proper to do it in unity
actually you can head swap in unity on a different bodybase with only unity, just move the head bones of the avatar head you want on the head bones of the basebody and move the meshes with the rest of the avatar, maybe you will need to connect hips>spine>chest>neck too
wrote on 14 Jan 2024, 13:55 last edited by@Real-Ladylight however with some model combinations it can end up a little bugged due to how they set their bones up, however even when that happens usually no one can notice it as it will just rotate on a slightly different pivot than it should
wrote on 5 Mar 2024, 18:34 last edited by
Which model is the 4th one's head ?
wrote on 7 Mar 2024, 00:19 last edited by
how do i get the body to look like that for selestia?
wrote on 7 Mar 2024, 00:35 last edited by
could just use a nice matcap that has some shine
I use this tool, although for specific models I have to do it myself in Unity like what @Real-Ladylight saidBooth page:
wrote on 7 Mar 2024, 12:21 last edited by@pinkcookie2777 My question where i can find those new body bases
you can simply delete body mesh and adjust the new head moving the bones on the right spot on the armature or i think there is a tool that can do it everything for you already, btw where did you get this screenshot?
wrote on 7 Mar 2024, 16:10 last edited by@Real-Ladylight My question where i can find those new body bases
@Real-Ladylight My question where i can find those new body bases
wrote on 7 Mar 2024, 21:51 last edited by Real Ladylight 3 Jul 2024, 21:52@Thisfufu69 do you need the selestia/manuka bodybase? you need the main selestia/manuka avatar, delete the head and replace it, you can buy the avatar on booth or search for the bodybase somewhere in this forum
wrote on 8 Mar 2024, 05:22 last edited by
anyone knows what is the base they using in thie pic?
@Thisfufu69 do you need the selestia/manuka bodybase? you need the main selestia/manuka avatar, delete the head and replace it, you can buy the avatar on booth or search for the bodybase somewhere in this forum
wrote on 8 Mar 2024, 22:22 last edited by Thisfufu69 3 Aug 2024, 22:24@Real-Ladylight Yes, i do actually need. I do have Selestia
But why use manuka as bodybase?