@WinterWings It kinda works, but all it does is delete the missing scripts, which VRCQuestTools already can do
@FluffyBear627 Darn, the problem is that I wanted to make it quest compatible
@WinterWings It kinda works, but all it does is delete the missing scripts, which VRCQuestTools already can do
@FluffyBear627 Darn, the problem is that I wanted to make it quest compatible
Aww hell nah, they done turned Feddie into a fuccboi
I would also like to know if there's been any updates on the ports (preferably the GGXX one)
Well, from reverse-searching these, it seems they're Koikatsu models, so any idea how to convert those?
Also for context, it's a recolor of Snerfoil's "RMK-Skyress"
Please please PLEASE do not spread the files for malicious reasons
Oh it's fine then, we're intending to spread these out of appreciation of the avatar
@GabeTheLucario Sure send me that stuff
Okay update: I found my old asset ripper program, ripped the files, any idea how to fix missing scripts?
File: https://workupload.com/file/A7vsVvGe34u
I have no idea how to rip avatars, but I want this one https://vrchat.com/home/avatar/avtr_de43779f-56e5-4a4d-a35a-6b230de677df
Would be most appreciative of any assistance
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bruh, there's already a thread where the file was dumped, use the search function
Oh wow that was fast
I know it just came out, it looks nice
Also it's on their itch.io page
Do we really need 3 threads for this one avatar?
There already was a thread, why make another?
Okay so I hooked it up with a bunch of VRCFury toggles and it's pretty much good to go, even added a toggle to swap to the blue oni palette and converted it to Android. https://workupload.com/file/VqnFfZ3YHdL
Edit: whoops, forgot to list dependencies
regarding the eyes, i don't think it's possible to fix them for quest, as they use what i can only determine to be sorcery to mask the eyes, and quest is very restrictive on what shaders can be used
if it doesn't work out, no biggie
@kh4m4ri Basically, I keep trying to line the prop up so that when I'm in VRChat it'll look natural, but I always end up a bit off, with it either partway through the fist or floating about half an inch away from the hand