Here you go.
Haven't seen this here yet and not in any of the dumps
Here you go.
Haven't seen this here yet and not in any of the dumps
I have not seen this around here yet so decided to share. Please correct me if it has already been shared.
PSD and other files
The most difficult thing in VRC is to come to terms with the fact that people are easy to replace. Many go around, make friends quickly and "consume" what their new friends have to offer for a quick rush and then just move on to the next one leaving their past contacts in the dust. This is common and easy to do. For every person that tells you how unique and cool you are there are 10 others just like you and the one person who praised you specifically a moment ago might have their sight already on one of the other 10 besides you.
Unlike IRL, people in VRchat and new contacts are abundant and usually no risk, minimal commitment.
The more you give the more they take.The best course of action is to treat no one as more special as the other until they prove themselves to want to stick around you. Don't be toxic but don't be overly kind either. Be yourself and see how fast they want to move in certain directions. Do they seek lewd? Do they spam invite or request on you after the Friendrequest? Do they forget you after 3days?
Remember to not get to attached or sad over peoples behavior on this platform. Be the best version of yourself to yourself and then to others. It is what it is. Then see who sticks and those will be your friends.
I'm 100% sure Kikyo has a whole Vagina ect available, not by the model author themselves though but it fit's on pretty well. I'm not familiar with many other models but maybe you can use the Kikyo one for Shinano for example.
The asset was removed from booth but here is a link
here you go
【注意】 こちらの商品は 2024/10/1 0:00 にフルセット版の価格が4000円に変更になりました。(個別対応版は1500円のまま変更はありません) ※※※Unity2022.3.22f1で作成されています。それ以外への導入について不具合が発生しても対応いたしかねます。※※※ VRCConstraintを使用しているため、SDKバージョンは3.7.0以降にのみ対応しています。 導入前にアップデートを行ってください。 ModularAvatar1.10.0以降が必要です 購入前に導入マニュアルをお読みいただき、仕様についてご理解の上ご購入ください。
These testures just dropped here too if you need them.