LF: FacialTracking Setting for Lime DLC -
LF: 【 QVK-10 】- Rose Covered (Shinano/Full Set)bump
【VRChat】リアル映像システム(アバター用) VRC用PCSS (Found by cefi) ✔@RankoKanzakii sure thing
https://workupload.com/archive/5HGFvQK4BVmaybe will last longer
【VRChat】リアル映像システム(アバター用) VRC用PCSS (Found by cefi) ✔Oh my bad this is 4.4.5 for lil and poi https://pixeldrain.com/l/qZxYkQNy
【8アバター対応】 Summer Breeze+1 manuka/full
LF: Rinareal bummer huh
LF: Rinabam
Face tracking dlc -
LF: FacialTracking Setting for Lime DLCSometimes I want to bump this entire website into a ditch
1.1.4 https://pixeldrain.com/u/etD5hE7C -
Does anyone know what the Slim website is?how is anyone supposed to know what that is
Face tracking dlcbumpa
LF : Karin Face Tracking! https://booth.pm/en/items/4723914@paaniccc said in LF : Karin Face Tracking! https://booth.pm/en/items/4723914:
I have this version, but I haven't been able to find a version of Karin compatible with it
That link says it's v1.11 which might match with the Karin 1.11 ver someone shared here lmk if works
LF: FacialTracking Setting for Lime DLC -
LF: FacialTracking Setting for Lime DLC+1
lf these for moe and maya -
does anyone have the maya model! -
LF Lyrica (Ririka) (Lilika?)+1
♡ Updated 【11アバター対応】 ENIGMA Full Pack ♡ (Found) ✔bomp