LF: Face/Ass Slap Asset -
LF: Symmetry ++ Blender Add-on (Ver 0.1.1)Bump
LF Zurie by Sizzrpbmp
starmesh toolBump Starmesh 1.5.0
Poiyomi Shaders DUMP (35 GB) ✔bump 9.2
Poiyomi Shaders DUMP (35 GB) ✔bump
LF: ババナ.Babana - オリジナル3Dモデル - with vrm versionBmp
Penetration Contact System (Detects & Plays Sound FX for your X Interaction) (found) ✔1.5.1 bump
LF: Mumei and Gura avatar by The3nderGameR+1
LF: 🦴 AKIRA Canine 🦴+1
LF Nuvola+1
LF - Armature Tools+1
LF [VRCギミック] Lovestick Massages SFX v1.0 (Sound system for your juicy meat stick)The file is not real, it is just a joke.
LF : Bom39 Kulve Taroth (Found)+1
LF: Bom39 Spinel Mama+1
LF - Armature Tools+1
LF: The Taper (NSFW) [Found By @soulheart] ✔Bump
LF: The Taper (NSFW) [Found By @soulheart] ✔+1
LF Angel Worker (天使リーマン) and Hell Worker (悪魔リーマン) by kaibatu2mm+1 angel.
Penetration Contact System (Detects & Plays Sound FX for your X Interaction) (found) ✔1+ for 1.4