Sorry I'm a little late, didn't even know they updated.
Updated v2.03:
old link will not work as I have removed it, it's deprecated anyways.
LF: PsiCorpVR - Canine Penis -
LF: PsiCorpVR - Canine PenisWent ahead and got it myself, here's the link to the file: -
Photon Saber and Dual Photon SaberEnded up buying the photon saber and dragonscale saber, here's the files for them: do not have the dual saber though sorry for those who are looking for that
LF:Liindy updated photon saberEnded up buying the photon saber and dragonscale saber, here's the files for them: do not have the dual saber though sorry for those who are looking for that
LF: PsiCorpVR - Canine Penisbump
Photon Saber and Dual Photon Saberbump
LF:Liindy updated photon saberbump
LF:Liindy updated photon saberbump
Photon Saber and Dual Photon Saberbump
LF: PsiCorpVR's Canine Penisbump
LF: PsiCorpVR's Canine PenisLooking for latest version (2.01 as of writing this) of PsiCorpVR's canine penis
Link here: -
LF: PsiCorpVR - Canine Penisbump
ZealotDKD double canine slit NSFW, R-18Bump
LF: PsiCorpVR - Canine Penisbump
Photon Saber and Dual Photon Saberbump for updated version
LF:Liindy updated photon saberbump
LF: the new liindy quest update versionsBump!
LF: the new liindy quest update versionsBump!
LF: the new liindy quest update versionsbump
LF:Liindy updated photon saberbump