@LossaJero Thank you so much!
[✔ FOUND] Redotix99's Stylized Humanoid Penis -
LF: PsiCorpVR - Canine PenisWent ahead and got it myself, here's the link to the file:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S7sfiMhwl9y2QlwzkRO-qDCsHB0TFltk/view?usp=sharing -
LF (fritz by poppytsun)Bump!
[✔ FOUND] Redotix99's Stylized Humanoid PenisUnable to change the post to be found, if anyone knows how i can do so without getting the error of not being able to edit it that would be greatly appreciated!
LF: Stylized Humanoid Penis by Redotix99bump
[✔ FOUND] Redotix99's Stylized Humanoid Penisbump
[✔ FOUND] Redotix99's Stylized Humanoid PenisThe one that is on the vrmodels store is the old 1.2 version and hasn't been updated. I wanna use the newest version though so if someone has it sharing it would be greatly appreciated!
Link to the Gumroad page: https://redotix99.gumroad.com/l/bswvm
Found by @LossaJero, the link is here