Closest thing to Bay's cheerleader outfit yet!
LF:【7アバター対応】 !! SALE 中 !!✨Pix Cheer✨✅FOUND✅ -
LF: [Venus/RP/VR Base] Best In Slot Skirt By Flexuhbump
LF: 【VRChat】Breast Physics Plus Plus 物理演算胸揺れギミック [LATEST VERSION]bump for 2.2.7
Found:Breast Physics Plus Plus 物理演算胸揺れギミックBump for latest
2.2.7 -
PCSS (NGSS) Needing help setting things up!maybe this will help for most of you Poiyomi users like me.
But PCSS is kind of broken for Poi and with the language barrier of the creator and popularity of liltoon, I haven't seen a fix yet. You don't even have a context menu (right click) so solo convert poi materials like you do with liltoon.Anyway, here is a possible fix that I used for myself. This works with unity 2019 and maybe a not too recent version of PCSS. I'll copy and paste from my post from other forums
Ok, small update for those of you who are using Poiyomi for this (like me). The version of PCSS here is either dated or there is a newer version we dont have yet. Due to that, the NGSS option will not work and you get the error above.
The issue is, poiyomi no longer is located in the "assets" folder and is now located in the "packages" folder. Also, some sub folders have been rename.
To fix it, open the "PCSS4VRC_poi.cs" file in Microsoft Visual Basic or Notepad++
Go to line 421 and change the path (copy and paste this whole line) **(line number may change in future updates)string Path = @"Packages/com.poiyomi.toon/_PoiyomiShaders/Scripts/ThryEditor/Editor/ShaderOptimizer.cs";
Save the file and run it again. Should work now.
LF: "Work"@BLACK0NYX you sir are a gentleman and a scholar
LF: "Work"At least, thats what google translate says "work"
【VRChat】リアル映像システム(アバター用) VRC用PCSS (Found by cefi) ✔@Lo0nGravy ah, i missed the new post.
Thx -
【VRChat】リアル映像システム(アバター用) VRC用PCSS (Found by cefi) ✔here for 3.1.1
【オリジナル3Dモデル】 ドラゴニュート・ヴラウ Dragonewt Vlau v 1.01 ✔very nice! ty
オリジナル3Dモデル「幽怩」(Yuni) + 2 Outfits (DL) ✔Thank you
LF: Summer Rain -
オリジナル3Dモデル「幽怩」(Yuni) + 2 Outfits (DL) ✔Thanks man. BTW, am I going nuts? I cant find this outfit advertised.
LF: Fire Effect ParticleFire Effect (松明, 火炎放射器) - HOD - BOOTH
Fire効果です。 たいまつと火炎放射器が含まれています. 松明はPointLightのアニメーション設定がされており、より松明のリアルな光効果を感じることができます。 暗いワールドやホラーワールドに役立てます 火炎放射器は、自分のアバターコンセプトに合わせて装飾に使用したり、 おもちゃとして使用するのに適しています Torch、Burner モデリング 製作者 - Pini Poiyomi Toon Shaderを使いました。
LF Selestia Outfits (Kitty Maid, Summer Maid, Cat Dress)bump for maid
LF Selestia Outfits (Kitty Maid, Summer Maid, Cat Dress)bump for maid
LF: Moe outfitbump
LF Selestia Outfits (Kitty Maid, Summer Maid, Cat Dress)bump for maid!
LF Selestia Outfits (Kitty Maid, Summer Maid, Cat Dress)bump