bump, plus also looking for the hoodie!
LF Ziggurat Noiz Stuff -
LF: Fantastic Baby Hoodie Fullset (Found)Any avatar in specific you're looking for? I know Rindo was posted on here somewhere.
Sensei Ver.1.01 (UPDATED VERSION)bump
LF Meiyun clothbump
LF: Nekoneko Apparel SetLooking for this! Thank you.
Meiyun Assests/Clothesbump
LF! cargo pants coordination for: MeiyunBump!
LF: Rushka ver.1.0.4Bump, looking for 1.0.4
Latest SELESTIA, RINDO, & Teleclair ✔Thanks much!!
LF: Various Tactical GearHey guys, looking for various tactical gear!
Ops-Core Helmet
https://booth.pm/en/items/2880180Strobe Kit
https://4corner.booth.pm/items/4786567 -
Please help me fix these bones! [Fixed]Take a look at the locations of each bone when you click on it. See which ones are next to each other and rename the clothing armature to the respective Kikyo armature.
Worst case, you can probably play around with the anchor/parent bone to try and get them to work. I'm still pretty new with adding clothes but have done the above to make things work.
Good luck!
LF Street outfit for Rusk and Fantastic baby hoodiehere is the street outfit @Dimrical
This file has been shared with you on pixeldrain
pixeldrain (pixeldrain.com)
LF: Fantastic Baby Hoodie Fullset (Found)Bump
LF: Rusk Sporty Clothes@BLACK0NYX GOAT! Thank you!
LF: Rusk Sporty ClothesBooth: https://booth.pm/en/items/2900163
Thank you!
LF Street outfit for Rusk and Fantastic baby hoodiebump looking for the hoodie
mamehinata Loose-Fit Clothesbump
mamehinata Loose-Fit Clothesbump
LF - NORANEKOSEVEN (The lastest version)Bump, still looking for v1.23
mamehinata Loose-Fit Clothesbump still looking