The files @Gemiheresmells posted are from shiro who posted them here:

LF these Rindo outfits -
Lf These Kikyo Outfits Pls (Founded 1/4) -
LF: Karin Urban Tech ChromeI only have Karin version but enjoy (if link works I'm bad at making links)
Karin Outfits [1/3 Found by zombiishiromo]Looking for these outfits please. Or just any nice karin outfits! -
Remove downvoting?@PrIsMaTiSm I understand what your saying but when you engage back with people it becomes an argument so yes I would say by definition you are "arguing". If you want to be the bigger person in this situation your best option is to just lay low you dont have to reply to every comment. You respond to everyone but never with the intent to understand what they are saying but to invalidate what they have to say. You even did it with me, you replied with a response not to address much of what I said but to argue what has been done to you. I am not messaging in regards to anything that has happened to you but saying please respect this thread for what it is. I no longer wish to continue this as it is not in the topic of what this thread is about and I want to respect spooky in this situation and listen to peoples opinions on the downvote issue.
LF Minime Maya@Naps I think the free one is the Chibi Maya
My trade list ! :>Scammers
Most recent Rusk And Karin Version -
Reputation issue and user conduct.Honestly I found this thread due to often seeing people getting told off for bumps or arguments in the comments of looking for requests about you calling people out. I understand someone bumping every 5 minutes like it was at one point can be a bit bothersome as its hard to see what new assets people are looking for without having to scroll past all the bumps from one user. However, someone posting every few hours to each day isn't as much of an issue in my eyes as it still leaves room to see new posts. I think for now if you want to build your rep its best just to keep your head down help with looking for assets where you can. It's not worth arguing with people in this post as it only ruins your reputation more which you seem keen on protecting. As already mentioned by others people don't like to be modded for things by someone who isn't a mod it's a bit like being called out by the teachers pet you just end up disliking them. Not trying to insult just saying it for what it is, probably best to lay low and stop engaging with people here as it only gets worse. Hope everyone enjoys their day and makes some cool avatars!
Winter/christmas clothing for karin.If anyone has any of these it would be much appreciated, please and thankyou~~ FOUND
Outfits for rusk/karin [3/6 Found by Kyu, Nandobrosive and coot]Hello Im looking for some outfits if anyone happens to have any I would really appreciate it! Sorry for so many images! Hope everyone has a good Christmas and a good day today! DL link -
LF: Karin outfits [1/6]The Neko Pajamas you are looking for are in this post by shiro! in the komado karin folder here:
LF: Boobs For Karin (NSFW) (FOUND)If you have a hard time navigating here is a link to where they are in the komado files
Huge avatar Archive + Downloads (Added 7 new avatars) ✔@Leg4cy I sent you a message with the link but I may as well say it here should anyone else need it but I'm pretty sure theres already a post asking for the model here with an up to date version which is this. Thankyou to @mintsheep for sharing it there!
LF Karin Outfits <3 [3/4 Found by lunatic and cinnabun] ✔@lunatic Thankyou so much!
Remove downvoting?I would say having a single downvote against you taking away your ability to upvote someone or something like that might be a bit of an issue if someone just downvoted you because they may not have liked an asset post or something like that so I can see where it may frustrate people. Maybe adding something of a system where that only happens if you have a set number of downvotes would be better rather then it being if you have 1 downvote we could set it to something a bit higher while making it so trusted individuals with a good rep are the ones with the ability to downvote as that encourages others to help the community and do good in order to get a good rep.
LF Karin Outfits <3 [3/4 Found by lunatic and cinnabun] ✔Thankyou!!