Remove downvoting?
Anyway, back to the matter at hand as we were discussing to stay on topic. Regardless if there were a few infamous events of people spamming in threads trying to take over the discussion like @PrIsMaTiSm for instance since they decided to join another topic thread again. In my perspective, they clearly demonstrated, they do not care about the health of the community and only themselves. This is just my theory, so unlike them. It's fine if not everyone agrees with me, and i've made that pretty obvious. We are all different people chatting together on this site, and so far i've actually enjoyed my experience here in the community.
Put it this way, if that specific individual cared about the community, they wouldn't be consistently causing grief to other users and putting people down that doesn't blindly side with them
They dismiss feedback from many people including me as well. They have not improved nor changed, so we're not getting anywhere, giving them any attention. So unfortunately, their point is void if they're still going out of their way to put down others with regard to this topic, which isn't really beneficial to the community at all
I'm not going to give them attention or DM them like they asked since they openly disrespected me a few minutes ago. So them apologising to me won't fix anything if they've made other people feel uncomfortable due to not respecting boundaries.
I won't be surprised if they try to hide it too to cover their tracks anytime soonOkay, so i tried to look at the history of announcements for the site since i joined after reputation system was put in place alongside the voting feature which influences it. So I do apologise if i may not have the long term experience of being a user here.
The upvote and downvote system i've noticed was only implemented recently this year, so of course there might be some growing pains to get used to. This isn't the admins or the moderators fault as I guess its just a tool to help the community evaluate posts and I theorised maybe this wasn't one of the expected outcomes which is okay. I do wonder if other sites though went through a similar phase when they put a voting system in place
The staff is only doing their best as i said earlier. Perhaps the system just needs more time to get used to rather than ripping it out shortly after its been implemented. Reddit has a similar system, and they haven't removed it yet. So i would like to know how this forum would be different that it would suddenly need downvotes to be removed that isn't related to the obvious users causing grief. Like, are there people joining just to spread misinformation and spread files that have malicious codes within them?
If someone said a really terrible pun, thats so painful it hurts. Some people would naturally want to downvote for the bad joke, which makes sense?
I know not every new feature might work for a community. Maybe its best we keep trying to work together, learning how we can utilise it better rather than letting a very small minority just ask admin to take it away.
Anyway, back to the matter at hand as we were discussing to stay on topic. Regardless if there were a few infamous events of people spamming in threads trying to take over the discussion like @PrIsMaTiSm for instance since they decided to join another topic thread again. In my perspective, they clearly demonstrated, they do not care about the health of the community and only themselves. This is just my theory, so unlike them. It's fine if not everyone agrees with me, and i've made that pretty obvious. We are all different people chatting together on this site, and so far i've actually enjoyed my experience here in the community.
Put it this way, if that specific individual cared about the community, they wouldn't be consistently causing grief to other users and putting people down that doesn't blindly side with them
They dismiss feedback from many people including me as well. They have not improved nor changed, so we're not getting anywhere, giving them any attention. So unfortunately, their point is void if they're still going out of their way to put down others with regard to this topic, which isn't really beneficial to the community at all
I'm not going to give them attention or DM them like they asked since they openly disrespected me a few minutes ago. So them apologising to me won't fix anything if they've made other people feel uncomfortable due to not respecting boundaries.
I won't be surprised if they try to hide it too to cover their tracks anytime soonOkay, so i tried to look at the history of announcements for the site since i joined after reputation system was put in place alongside the voting feature which influences it. So I do apologise if i may not have the long term experience of being a user here.
The upvote and downvote system i've noticed was only implemented recently this year, so of course there might be some growing pains to get used to. This isn't the admins or the moderators fault as I guess its just a tool to help the community evaluate posts and I theorised maybe this wasn't one of the expected outcomes which is okay. I do wonder if other sites though went through a similar phase when they put a voting system in place
The staff is only doing their best as i said earlier. Perhaps the system just needs more time to get used to rather than ripping it out shortly after its been implemented. Reddit has a similar system, and they haven't removed it yet. So i would like to know how this forum would be different that it would suddenly need downvotes to be removed that isn't related to the obvious users causing grief. Like, are there people joining just to spread misinformation and spread files that have malicious codes within them?
If someone said a really terrible pun, thats so painful it hurts. Some people would naturally want to downvote for the bad joke, which makes sense?
I know not every new feature might work for a community. Maybe its best we keep trying to work together, learning how we can utilise it better rather than letting a very small minority just ask admin to take it away.
@LizEllie This has obviously become personal for you. I am truly sorry you can't get over this.
@LizEllie This has obviously become personal for you. I am truly sorry you can't get over this.
@PrIsMaTiSm Honestly not to sound like I am trying to attack you as I'm not but that comment sounds a bit off given your insistence to continue your arguments with people on multiple threads. You made your own thread to argue your case and the admin actually went out their way to help with your issue despite the disrespect you did in showing your dms and continuing to fight against their community.
They are doing everything they can to be accommodating to you so please do the same back and respect them by not arguing with people in these threads as it doesn't seem to get anywhere.
I understand your argument against downvotes as I do agree people misuse them to go after people they may not like or that they may just disagree with for no reason and it isn't fair but at the end of the day you had the right reasons at first but then it just seemed to be an argument that your making only to benefit yourself.
This is a thread to talk about our opinions on the downvote situation not a place to defend yourself. I just ask that you please respect spooky, again I am not trying to attack you or sound rude. -
@PrIsMaTiSm Honestly not to sound like I am trying to attack you as I'm not but that comment sounds a bit off given your insistence to continue your arguments with people on multiple threads. You made your own thread to argue your case and the admin actually went out their way to help with your issue despite the disrespect you did in showing your dms and continuing to fight against their community.
They are doing everything they can to be accommodating to you so please do the same back and respect them by not arguing with people in these threads as it doesn't seem to get anywhere.
I understand your argument against downvotes as I do agree people misuse them to go after people they may not like or that they may just disagree with for no reason and it isn't fair but at the end of the day you had the right reasons at first but then it just seemed to be an argument that your making only to benefit yourself.
This is a thread to talk about our opinions on the downvote situation not a place to defend yourself. I just ask that you please respect spooky, again I am not trying to attack you or sound rude.@AviCreat So Let me get this straight, You think I am arguing, while there is someone a couple posts up that decides to write a eulogy with seething intent? I didn't even read the post to not spur up another useless debate and somehow I'm STILL the bad guy? At some point you must realize I am not the issue here?
I post a reply in the general help section, and while yes, I got help from admins, I also got belittled by other users of this forum in the HELP SECTION and was forced to defend my side. I haven't even recognized half of the comments made there and yet people get mad when I describe by viewpoint??.....
I'm confused, it's almost as if users here are not afraid to voice their opinions, but as soon as they get a reply they start throwing red cards and saying I'm the argumentative one. It's like they don't expect any form of reply to the things they write.
I get you aren't trying to attack me, what I don't get are the people here that think I am trying to attack them...
@PrIsMaTiSm I understand what your saying but when you engage back with people it becomes an argument so yes I would say by definition you are "arguing". If you want to be the bigger person in this situation your best option is to just lay low you dont have to reply to every comment. You respond to everyone but never with the intent to understand what they are saying but to invalidate what they have to say. You even did it with me, you replied with a response not to address much of what I said but to argue what has been done to you. I am not messaging in regards to anything that has happened to you but saying please respect this thread for what it is. I no longer wish to continue this as it is not in the topic of what this thread is about and I want to respect spooky in this situation and listen to peoples opinions on the downvote issue.
It looks like most of you want to keep the downvoting, and I fully agree with that. But I didn't vote because I think it's up to all of you to decide. I'll make some changes though. I want to limit the number of downvotes each person can give and make it so one person can only downvote another person once a day. Also, there will be a minimum reputation required to both upvote and downvote. This is to stop people from creating new accounts just to vote.
One more thing, let's not use downvoting to target specific people. Just because you don't like someone, it doesn't mean you should downvote everything they post. Sometimes people here are acting like they are in high school.
@j0xged3 said in Remove downvoting?:
Arguments over reddit karma
Keep the downvote feature because this shit entertaining.
ikr that person is doing a legit account deletion speedrun, its gone at -100 rep
@PrIsMaTiSm I think this has spiraled way out of control.
If I'm correct this roughly started with you claiming to others on several posts that they shouldn't bump up a thread more often than 24 hours in between. People didn't like how much of a mod/officer you were about it so they kindly and unfortunately roughly told you to screw off to which you continued to debate with them over and over this until someone, or a select few, decided to downvote several of your posts to spite you. You would continue to self appoint yourself as the person who will go to every post that didn't follow this personal rule of yours (claiming it was the rule of the forum, which it isn't) and came off as a nuisance. As soon as the downvotes pilled high you went and made a post crying to the admins about this universal downvote problem that several users are suffering from.
Which isn't entirely the case. (At least as far as I know. I could be wrong and if so I apologize for such a misspoke) I don't think this is as big as you are making it out to be. It's sad it's had to come to this point but this could of been ended at any time. You can't believe you're in the right to mod someone even if you think a non-rule is a good one. I could be missing some stuff but I think everything has been summed up and said at this point that I would be adding to a big pile of nothing.
Apologies again if this has gone off topic. I'll refrain from adding much that isn't the downvote issue.
@PrIsMaTiSm I understand what your saying but when you engage back with people it becomes an argument so yes I would say by definition you are "arguing". If you want to be the bigger person in this situation your best option is to just lay low you dont have to reply to every comment. You respond to everyone but never with the intent to understand what they are saying but to invalidate what they have to say. You even did it with me, you replied with a response not to address much of what I said but to argue what has been done to you. I am not messaging in regards to anything that has happened to you but saying please respect this thread for what it is. I no longer wish to continue this as it is not in the topic of what this thread is about and I want to respect spooky in this situation and listen to peoples opinions on the downvote issue.
@AviCreat The downvote issue directly applies to me.
Additionally, you say I don't pay attention to what people have to say, I just argue with what they said, how can I argue what I never paid attention to? Everyone's' 'solution' is to lay low. Why on Earth would that ever be a solution? "Yeah, you know what would fix the downvote issue? Making people forget they were mad at you so you don't get downvoted." What that literally means is that its not my issue, it other peoples issue and I should stop for a while so people forget about it. Makes no sense, but then I'm expected to believe it makes sense, otherwise, take negative rep.
@j0xged3 Reddit karma doesn't have negative repercussions.
That's what we are discussing here. I'm all for keeping the downvote system, but remove the repercussions. If you want to call it a vote, fine, whatever helps you sleep at night, but I cannot think of any other platform I have ever seen that will remove you and/or privileges if people vote you out.
@Flippy yes, you are correct, and yes, I started SUGGESTING that people not bump more than once every 24 hours per post to prevent spam. I never said it was a written rule, I did however repeatedly say it was a guideline that was roughly agreed upon. I don't see anyone arguing about a bump every 24 hours, I do however see complaints about bumps every 2 hours, so where is the line? That's why its a guideline, no one will get angry at you if you follow it.
I think some people took that to mean I was trying to prevent any bumps on a particular post in a 24 hour period, that is not the case. Preventing users like Crises and Minako and others who constantly bump the same post(s) over and over is the main goal. There is nothing wrong with people bumping a post they like. I do not care if 20 people bump the same post within 5 minutes. They are different people, all bumping a post because they are interested. I do however see an issue where one user will ritualistically bump the same post(s) every few hours with the belief that it will get them what they want faster. That is beyond the scope of this topic however.
@Clown Seeing the amount of flippant, rude and derogatory statements in @LizEllie's comment get upvotes from the community when I, having not done near that level, get heavily downvoted is very disheartening. Sad that you see such action warranting an upvote simply because of who it was directed to.
TL;DR Remove negative rep repercussions, and add a rule about spamming to the forum of which duration is determined via a vote post to avoid other situations such as what has happened in order to take stress off of admins and remove confusion from posters/bumpers.
Ah less than 7 minutes in and I see I have my first downvote of this comment. Hooray for making basic suggestions to better the community!
@AviCreat The downvote issue directly applies to me.
Additionally, you say I don't pay attention to what people have to say, I just argue with what they said, how can I argue what I never paid attention to? Everyone's' 'solution' is to lay low. Why on Earth would that ever be a solution? "Yeah, you know what would fix the downvote issue? Making people forget they were mad at you so you don't get downvoted." What that literally means is that its not my issue, it other peoples issue and I should stop for a while so people forget about it. Makes no sense, but then I'm expected to believe it makes sense, otherwise, take negative rep.
@j0xged3 Reddit karma doesn't have negative repercussions.
That's what we are discussing here. I'm all for keeping the downvote system, but remove the repercussions. If you want to call it a vote, fine, whatever helps you sleep at night, but I cannot think of any other platform I have ever seen that will remove you and/or privileges if people vote you out.
@Flippy yes, you are correct, and yes, I started SUGGESTING that people not bump more than once every 24 hours per post to prevent spam. I never said it was a written rule, I did however repeatedly say it was a guideline that was roughly agreed upon. I don't see anyone arguing about a bump every 24 hours, I do however see complaints about bumps every 2 hours, so where is the line? That's why its a guideline, no one will get angry at you if you follow it.
I think some people took that to mean I was trying to prevent any bumps on a particular post in a 24 hour period, that is not the case. Preventing users like Crises and Minako and others who constantly bump the same post(s) over and over is the main goal. There is nothing wrong with people bumping a post they like. I do not care if 20 people bump the same post within 5 minutes. They are different people, all bumping a post because they are interested. I do however see an issue where one user will ritualistically bump the same post(s) every few hours with the belief that it will get them what they want faster. That is beyond the scope of this topic however.
@Clown Seeing the amount of flippant, rude and derogatory statements in @LizEllie's comment get upvotes from the community when I, having not done near that level, get heavily downvoted is very disheartening. Sad that you see such action warranting an upvote simply because of who it was directed to.
TL;DR Remove negative rep repercussions, and add a rule about spamming to the forum of which duration is determined via a vote post to avoid other situations such as what has happened in order to take stress off of admins and remove confusion from posters/bumpers.
Ah less than 7 minutes in and I see I have my first downvote of this comment. Hooray for making basic suggestions to better the community!
@PrIsMaTiSm I didn't say at any point that you don't read or pay attention to what people have to say I said you go out your way to invalidate what people say. So maybe you just proved your own defence there wrong. I'm telling you to lay low not just for your sake but everyone else as people just want to make an opinion here on the downvote and not have you calling them out for every little detail of what they said and making it a personal attack towards you. It's not to make people forget its to let everyone move on from this situation as I think thats best for everyone. Also this downvote issue doesnt "directly apply to you" it applies to this community as a whole. Again, please leave this thread for what it is and allow people to give their opinions of the downvote, it's their opinion you dont have to have an argument for everything everyone says.
I will no longer continue to engage with you as I feel there is no point in continuing this as it just makes you ruin your own image further. I also don't wish to continue this as this thread is for spooky to see what people think of the downvote not for us to have this kind of conversation. I wish you luck with your downvote situation and hope you enjoy your time on the forums, I dont wish for drama with you as I'm not one for that.
@PrIsMaTiSm I understand what your saying but when you engage back with people it becomes an argument so yes I would say by definition you are "arguing". If you want to be the bigger person in this situation your best option is to just lay low you dont have to reply to every comment. You respond to everyone but never with the intent to understand what they are saying but to invalidate what they have to say. You even did it with me, you replied with a response not to address much of what I said but to argue what has been done to you. I am not messaging in regards to anything that has happened to you but saying please respect this thread for what it is. I no longer wish to continue this as it is not in the topic of what this thread is about and I want to respect spooky in this situation and listen to peoples opinions on the downvote issue.
@AviCreat said in Remove downvoting?:
You respond to everyone but never with the intent to understand what they are saying but to invalidate what they have to say.
So you would then agree I have to first understand what they are saying in order to reply in kind? I have said many times that I have understood others' viewpoint.
@AviCreat said in Remove downvoting?:
Also this downvote issue doesnt "directly apply to you" it applies to this community as a whole.
This literally means that it directly applies to me, since I, like you, are part of this community.
Can we please put an end to the arguments? Let's return to sharing avatars and being friendly instead of enemies. The downvoting is staying. @PrIsMaTiSm, you have the chance to change, much like how the Godfather did. I am willing to reset your reputation to 0 as long as you cease the arguments. If you continue to receive downvotes due to the arguments after I take this step, I won't provide any further opportunities. Additionally, if I come across any unfair downvotes, I will send dms to those individuals.
honestly, that's fair. toss, PrIsMaTiSm a bone
Can we please put an end to the arguments? Let's return to sharing avatars and being friendly instead of enemies. The downvoting is staying. @PrIsMaTiSm, you have the chance to change, much like how the Godfather did. I am willing to reset your reputation to 0 as long as you cease the arguments. If you continue to receive downvotes due to the arguments after I take this step, I won't provide any further opportunities. Additionally, if I come across any unfair downvotes, I will send dms to those individuals.
@SpookyVersace Understood.
It would however be interesting to see what would qualify as an unfair downvote, because I know this will ultimately continue, although I will not be the one making the arguments.Resetting rep to 0 just to have it go negative as soon as even one person downvotes me, once again removing my ability to do many things on this site, doesn't seem very effective.
Can we please put an end to the arguments? Let's return to sharing avatars and being friendly instead of enemies. The downvoting is staying. @PrIsMaTiSm, you have the chance to change, much like how the Godfather did. I am willing to reset your reputation to 0 as long as you cease the arguments. If you continue to receive downvotes due to the arguments after I take this step, I won't provide any further opportunities. Additionally, if I come across any unfair downvotes, I will send dms to those individuals.
@SpookyVersace OI i was doing it on purpose! lol
@SpookyVersace OI i was doing it on purpose! lol
@TheReGodfather lol
@SpookyVersace Understood.
It would however be interesting to see what would qualify as an unfair downvote, because I know this will ultimately continue, although I will not be the one making the arguments.Resetting rep to 0 just to have it go negative as soon as even one person downvotes me, once again removing my ability to do many things on this site, doesn't seem very effective.
@PrIsMaTiSm I will determine what qualifies as an unfair downvote. And of course your reputation will become negative as soon as someone downvotes you. That's why you should aim to receive upvotes rather than downvotes.