LF - Synergiance Pro Shader
wrote on 13 Jul 2023, 07:48 last edited by
Anyone would happen to have the patreon Synergiance shader? The one with hologram in it? Thanks!
wrote on 8 Aug 2023, 16:05 last edited by
@Minako Please try to bump once per post every 24 hours to help prevent spam.
wrote on 16 Aug 2023, 14:42 last edited by Aerchon
Think it is just easier to just pay the $10 on the patreon then waiting for someone to leak an almost 2 year old shader, with 0 updates
Think it is just easier to just pay the $10 on the patreon then waiting for someone to leak an almost 2 year old shader, with 0 updates
wrote on 18 Aug 2023, 09:01 last edited by@Aerchon Best not be logical, you might get downvoted to oblivion, unfortunately.
wrote on 21 Aug 2023, 11:36 last edited by
wrote on 10 Sept 2023, 11:14 last edited by
And by the way, what kind of shader is this in general, can anyone tell me? What is it good for, and what is it needed for?
And by the way, what kind of shader is this in general, can anyone tell me? What is it good for, and what is it needed for?
wrote on 10 Sept 2023, 12:49 last edited by@BLACK0NYX Haven't experimented with the free version itself, but the paid for version contains hologram effect that looks better than poiyomi's or lolichan.exe (don't remember that one's name much).
@BLACK0NYX Haven't experimented with the free version itself, but the paid for version contains hologram effect that looks better than poiyomi's or lolichan.exe (don't remember that one's name much).
wrote on 10 Sept 2023, 12:58 last edited by@Minako Okay, now I'll know. Thanks for the clarification.
It's just that I've never heard of it before, and haven't seen a preview. -
@Minako Okay, now I'll know. Thanks for the clarification.
It's just that I've never heard of it before, and haven't seen a preview.wrote on 12 Sept 2023, 13:19 last edited by@BLACK0NYX No worries! It's not a known shader that's probably why. The server for it is really small too.
wrote on 18 Sept 2023, 12:29 last edited by
wrote on 18 Sept 2023, 22:23 last edited by
wrote on 19 Sept 2023, 08:07 last edited by
wrote on 19 Sept 2023, 15:41 last edited by
wrote on 20 Sept 2023, 02:43 last edited by
wrote on 20 Sept 2023, 11:04 last edited by
wrote on 20 Sept 2023, 21:21 last edited by
wrote on 21 Sept 2023, 09:34 last edited by
wrote on 22 Sept 2023, 01:14 last edited by
wrote on 22 Sept 2023, 09:56 last edited by
wrote on 22 Sept 2023, 18:43 last edited by