Can anyone help me to get this Audiolink effect?
@kityu I was told it was a zero emissions, AL with a center out, high gain on the AL (not really sure what gain refers to with this ), using bass. Which when I tried to apply it I got a bit closer but nowhere near the creator's.. I think if it did scrolling it wouldn't be on beat with the music?
i don't know how to use poiyomi, but i'm pretty sure you can get a similar effect using liltoon, i just don't know if the lights are gonna move like that
@uru Yeah I don't know my way around poiyomi much either, but I don't think liltoon has the in-depth AL poiyomi has... if at all?
@Reym It's still unlisted unfortunately, that creator is no longer active, but this is a similar substitute if you're looking for one!
There are no special settings on the AL on the halo. Thats the very default AL of Liltoon Shader. The only Poiyomi are the Particles as Liltoon does not support this so far.