Updates on the "Recognizing Efforts" Topic
Hey everyone!
I wanted to provide you all with an update on the "Recognizing Efforts" topic I created a while back. I've been actively searching for improved ways to acknowledge and reward our contributors. Currently, my only approach involves individually reviewing each topic, meticulously examining all the links, and manually entering the data into an Excel sheet. As you can imagine, this process is quite time-consuming, especially considering the forum's increasing activity. It was taking up a significant amount of my time.
So, if any of you have suggestions or creative ideas on how we can simplify this process and reward deserving members, please share them with me through a private message or in the comments below. Your input would be greatly appreciated!
S SpookyVersace pinned this topic on
I think it would stem from a good way to ensure that once an avatar is found, it is recorded and moved to a topic specifically meant for found avatars.
I am aware this already exists, but it will need to be more reliable. Something like prompting the OP to put in the URL and username of the provider of the found asset into a prompt/popup window before allowing an easy way to move the thread to a different topic. (i.e. to the FOUND topic) (there is also the obvious problem of links going dead)
There will need to be some sort of incentive to move the topic to FOUND to avoid a topic with a found asset just sitting in LOOKING FOR for days and days.obviously, there will need to be a way to determine the link provided was the actual one. Perhaps it should be the OPs responsibility to verify it as found?
There are certain instances where one post are looking for several avatars. This would be more confusing since there would be no way to move the whole thread to FOUND when some assets are still missing.
Perhaps it can be as simple as whenever an OP finds an asset and verifies its the asset, the OP can send you the providers' name along with the posted comment? Could be as simple as a "Mark as answer" button next to the comment that found the asset. It will still need to be ensured that the link will stay alive, this is the issue.
@SpookyVersace There looks to be a singular owner, and Yourself as an admin. Are there any mods for the forum or are they un-listed?
I was going to suggest to work with a group of people, to help add in info and "tag" / edit posts as they go to know it's been sorted / organized into the spreadsheet.
For example, You could have a person for general assets, avatars, shaders, looking, and found sections.
Multi-threading workloads.It'd still take a lot of time to do but having more people to help with this would be a start. If the goal is to sort through the posts, and archive / write down all the info for the found content and give credit to the finders It's going to be a slog no matter what.
How do I know? Anyone familiar with the FFXIV scene may know of the mod site, I've manually archived every mod on it starting in June 2021. Author, effects, file version, links etc;. It's painful.
At least here you can mark posts you've sorted / processed.
why not just use the rep system to track efforts. i know rep doesn't translate to just sharing assets, it's can be used when someone was helpful, or just something they agree with. when you have a certain amount of points you can request for badges or something under your username. or get credits for the store section of the site.
why not just use the rep system to track efforts. i know rep doesn't translate to just sharing assets, it's can be used when someone was helpful, or just something they agree with. when you have a certain amount of points you can request for badges or something under your username. or get credits for the store section of the site.
@eiron i agree, sounds nice!
@PrIsMaTiSm It's a bit challenging, which is why I've been handling it manually. We're currently exploring ways for the person who created a topic to mark the comment containing the desired assets and have it pinned to the top. Perhaps we can even automate the process of moving it to the relevant section of the forums when pinned. It will require some time, but we're working to finding a solution.
@Asira, it's just Angel and me on the forums. We'll see if it's worth doing all of that. So far, nobody's complaining, which is good.
@eiron @elinkabelzinka, This was also one of my ideas. We could assign a special tag to users who have a reputation of over 100 and provide them with credit rewards. There's always a risk of people exploiting the system by constantly upvoting their friends' comments or creating fake accounts. If we decide to go ahead, we'll keep a close eye on it and ban anyone who abuses it.
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